8/12/23 State Senator Ballweg Attends Annual Wisconsin State Fair Building Commission Day at the State Fair
12 August 2023 News
Madison… Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) attended the Wisconsin State Building Commission meeting at the Wisconsin State Fair on August 9, 2023.
Senator Ballweg also serves as a member of the Joint Committee on Finance, and she was the lead member to analyze and promote specific projects to be enumerated for funding as a part of the 2023-25 Wisconsin State Budget.
This meeting moved forward projects from the 2023-25 budget, as well as items from prior budgets. “I am proud to have supported the disbursement of over $340 million in funds for the completion of building projects across the state.”
“At the meeting, the commission voted to release the historic funds necessary for the construction of the Type 1 Juvenile Correctional Facility in Milwaukee County. The legislature has highlighted the need to close Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake for years. This action makes the project a reality,” said Ballweg. “We also released funds for Marquette University’s dental school updates, an important project for the dental health of all Wisconsinites. Marquette is the state’s dental school, and I was proud to help champion this in the 2023-25 state budget.”
“Notable projects for the University of Wisconsin System include releasing the funds for the construction of Levy Hall, the College of Letters and Science Academic building, the Veterinary Medicine Addition and Renovation, and the Chemistry Building Addition and Renovation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,” said Ballweg. “The commission also authorized maintenance and repair projects across the University of Wisconsin System.”
“The 14th Senate District will have projects completed with the funds released by the commission,” Ballweg stated. “Cliffwood Campground in Mirror Lake State Park will have a shower/toilet building replaced, with construction starting this fall.”
“I enjoyed my time at the Wisconsin State Fair this week,” stated Ballweg. “But I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the renovations approved for the State Fair Cream Puff Pavilion. This is a major renovation to the 1903 Dairy Building, with nearly half of the project funding is coming from grants.”
This legislative session, Senator Ballweg has been appointed to serve on the Wisconsin State Building Commission. She previously served on the Building Commission during her tenure in the Wisconsin State Assembly.
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