8/1/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
1 August 2023 News
Washington County experienced its 12th traffic fatality of the year on Sunday afternoon when a car struck a motorcycle on County Highway E in the Town of Hartford. Sheriff’s officials say the motorcycle operator, a man in his late twenties from Milwaukee, died at the scene despite life-saving efforts. Investigators says two motorcyclists were traveling east on the highway when a westbound car crossed over into the eastbound lane and struck the motorcyclist head-on. The operator of the car was a woman in her early twenties from Washington County’s Town of Polk. She cooperated with the investigation. The accident was reported just before 4 pm.
Late Sunday morning on Interstate 41 in Winnebago County the State Patrol arrested a 62-year-old Milwaukee man for his fourth operating a motor vehicle while under the influence offense. A state trooper stopped to check out a motorist assist on I-41 northbound south of Ripple Avenue. While interacting with the driver Richard Hughes, the trooper observed indicators of possible impairment. Field sobriety tests were conducted and as a result Hughes was arrested for his fourth OWI and was taken to the Winnebago County Jail.
Governor Tony Evers released a statement Monday condemning Nazis who protested an LGBTQ-focused “Pride in the Park” event in Watertown over the weekend. According to the Watertown Daily Times, a “dozen men sporting black tops and khaki pants, face coverings and sunglasses” appeared at the annual event on Saturday and “waved flags bearing the swastika symbol, gave the Nazi salute to onlookers and yelled homophobic rhetoric.” Governor Evers called it “a disgusting and direct attack on the state’s LGBTQ community, communities of color, and Jewish Wisconsinites.” He added, “Nazis, swastikas, and any other anti-LGBTQ, white supremacist, or anti-Semitic messages, symbols, or groups are unacceptable and unwelcome in Wisconsin.” Governor Evers termed it “dangerous and hateful behavior.”
EAA AirVenture officials say this year’s attendance should be close to what they saw last year around 650,000 attending the week-long event at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh. Dick Knapinski of EAA says they kick things off last week Monday with one of their strongest sales days for vendors ever. He says other highlights included NASA’s Super Guppy and the Dream Lifter. It is estimated AirVenture had visitors from 93 different countries. There were of course two fatal plane crashes Saturday that took four lives and injured two others. Knapinski says it would be hard to recall past AirVentures when they had as many in one day. AirVenture celebrated 70 years this year, 50 of them in Oshkosh. Next year’s Airventure will be July 22nd through the 28th.
Winnebago County supervisors last month passed a merit pay plan for county employees. County Supervisor Jacob Floam says it was the last piece of a wage study approved by the county board. He notes they did a similar plan in 2016 but never fully implemented it. He feels any employees that take pride in their jobs and go above and beyond should be compensated appropriately. He says they have about 1,100 county employees and the merit pay plan will help them move along the merit pay route. Floam says he hopes other counties in the area will take their cue from Winnebago County and approve similar plans. The pay adjustments will also help the county to attract and retain employees.
Many law enforcement agencies across the country will be celebrating National Night Out with events for their communities tonight. The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office will host a celebration at the Green Lake County Justice Center on County Road A in Green Lake from 4 to 7 pm. Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk says it is an opportunity for residents to meet some of their law enforcement officers, EMS, Fire, DNR, and others from across the county that provide service to the community. A hot dog meal will be available until they are all gone. There will also be music, fun, and equipment on display.
“Scooping the Loop” returns to Ripon this Saturday from 5 to 8 pm. For decades, “Scooping the Loop” was a time honored tradition for Ripon residents. On Friday and Saturday evenings, local residents would come together to drive their vehicles through the downtown historic district and meet up with friends. Many great memories and lifelong relationships were created during this unique social gathering. For various reasons, the activity was banned in 1992, but downtown business owners bring back the nostalgia for one glorious evening each summer. During the 5th annual event Saturday night all traffic laws will be strictly enforced and drivers are asked not to do burnouts and carry no open intoxicants. Numerous businesses will be open throughout the day and into the evening to provide an adequate dose of shopping therapy. Those strolling up and down the sidewalks will find unique gifts, clothing, jewelry, home accessories and more.
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