7/16/23 Domestic and Traffic Incident in NFDL
16 July 2023 News
A man was arrested Saturday night following a domestic incident in the Village of North Fond du Lac and confrontation with law enforcement officers. It started about 12:30 pm when Ryan Mayer locked a woman out of a home in the 1400 block of Minnesota Avenue. He would not respond to law enforcement, so he was left in place and monitored. About 8:22 pm he left the house in a vehicle. North Fond du Lac Police assisted by Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies and the State Patrol conducted a traffic stop on North Center Street. Police positioned squad cars in front and back of his vehicle and put down stop sticks. Mayer refused to exit his vehicle and after 20 to 30 minutes rammed the squad car in front of him pushing it about 50 feet. Officers used a taser deploying it through broken windows on Mayer’s vehicle and took him into custody. No one was injured during the incident. Mayer is being charged with domestic charges, threats to law enforcement officers, resisting arrest, felony bail jumping, knowing fleeing an officer and traffic violations.
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