6/9/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
9 June 2023 News
A Beaver Dam resident had to be rescued by neighbors from the roof of a two-story home during a house fire Thursday evening. The resident climbed out of a second story window onto the roof and got assistance from neighbors to get off of the roof. A second resident was able to exit the building. When firefighters arrived for what was dispatched as a “porch fire,” fire was showing from the first and second floors of the single-family home. Despite heavy fire conditions they brought the blaze under control in about a half an hour and remained on the scene for several hours to ensure the fire was fully extinguished. The cause of the fire is being determined. The time of the fire call was 7:26 pm. (Beaver Dam Fire Department photo).
Law enforcement officials in Green Lake County are asking for the public’s help to find those responsible for recent vandalism incidents. The County Sheriff’s Office says area police departments have seen an increase in vandalism. Those acts of vandalism have included damaged windows, bathrooms, and thrown eggs. The City of Green Lake recently had to close park bathrooms to repair damage from vandalism. Sheriff’s officials say the acts of vandalism are disruptive, destructive, and expensive to clean up or repair. Anyone who may have a tip or information about the vandalism is urged to call the Green Lake County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-GET-THEM, that’s 1-800-438-8436. You can also text GETTHEM at 847411. Tips may be eligible for up to a $1,000 cash reward for information leading to the arrest of suspects. You can report your tips anonymously.
Fond du Lac County’s Communications and Emergency Management Director says if your phone inadvertently dials 9-1-1, don’t hang up before you talk to a dispatcher. Newer phones have an Emergency SOS feature that can be triggered if a phone is accidentally dropped, jostled in a cup holder, or interprets you’ve been in a traumatic accident. The phone will automatically dial 9-1-1. Amy Haase says if that is the case; don’t feel embarrassed just talk to the dispatcher to let them know it is not an emergency. She says if you don’t stay on the line they may call you back, or they may send out a deputy to make sure everything is okay. The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office reported 130 accidental 9-1-1 calls in the last four days. You can find information about how to turn off the Emergency SOS feature on your phone on the Facebook pages for the Green Lake and Dodge County Sheriff’s Offices.
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller suggests if you’re out enjoying nature this weekend going through the woods or tall grass to make sure you check for ticks afterwards. She says ticks especially like tall grasses so if you’re taking a hike stick to a path or wear long pants and long socks. She recommends checking yourself, your kids, or your dogs for ticks just in case. She says if one does attach itself use a tweezers to remove it getting as far down to where they attached as possible and deposit it on a piece of masking or adhesive tape when you remove it so it won’t attach itself to anything else. Ticks can cause Lyme disease, which she says if it is caught within 72 hours can be treated by a physician.
The State Assembly Wednesday passed reforms to the Department of Safety and Professional Services that help address shortcomings in the department’s ability to approve credentials and licensing renewals in a timely manner. State Representative Jon Plumer voted in favor of the legislative package. He says constituents have contacted him about problems with getting credentials approved or licenses renewed. He says the thing they frequently mention is the department doesn’t get back to them in a timely manner, loses information, or is unaware it has been sent to them. A study committee last summer worked with Republicans, Democrats, the Executive branch, and members of the public to find solutions. They came up with bipartisan and common sense reforms. Plumer says it was disappointing that none of the Assembly Democrats voted in favor of the package.
Officials in Waupun say Main Street will be closed between Beaver Dam/Brandon and Watertown Streets next Monday through Friday. The reason is the long-awaited repair to Main Street railroad crossing and a number of sections of concrete replacement along the Main Street corridor in need of repair. Depending on the weather officials expect to have things back open by the end of next week. Local businesses will continue to be open throughout the week and can be accessed from side streets and back alleyways.
Landscaping plants and flowers from the current Webster Stanley Elementary and Middle School in Oshkosh will be made available to the public next Wednesday. The plants will be harvested by the district and placed on the curb area at the intersection of East Melvin Avenue and Hazel Street. The harvested plants will be available for free on a first-come basis beginning at 7 am Wednesday. Individuals should bring their own containers. The district is harvesting the plants and making them available to the community as part of its pre-demolition plans for the Webster site. The building will be turned over to the demolition contractor on Monday, and demolition is expected to take approximately six weeks.

Markesan celebrates June Dairy Month with June Dairy Days today and tomorrow. Things get started at 4:30 pm with the Green Lake County Pork Producers annual pig roast at the city garage they will serve until everything is gone. Also at the city garage at 4:30 Tom Winkers will perform. There’s a street dance under the big tent at Kiwanis Park with Boogie and the Yo-Yoz performing from 8:30 to Midnight. Also at Kiwanis Park from 5 to 9 pm it is wristband day for Fun Play Inflatables and Fun Play Waterballs. Saturday brings another fun-packed day including the June Dairy Days parade at 7 pm. This year’s theme is “Red, White and MOO!” You can find a complete schedule at Markesan Chamber.org or the police department’s Facebook page.
June Dairy Days – Markesan Area Chamber of Commerce (markesanchamber.org)
Fond du Lac’s Lakeside Park will host tens of thousands of visitors this weekend for the annual Walleye Weekend. The 3-day festival features, music, food, activities galore and the 45th Annual Mercury Marine Walleye Tournament. The fishing tournament kicks off tomorrow morning with 300 teams taking to Lake Winnebago competing for cash and other prizes. Among the musical entertainment lined up tonight are Journey and KISS tribute bands. You can find out more about the schedule of activities at Walleye Weekend.com.
Walleye Weekend – Fond du Lac’s Largest Free Family Festival
Walsworth Printing, which has a printing facility in Ripon, has awarded nine scholarships worth a total of $111,000 to nine 2023 high school graduates. This year, Walsworth is awarding six $16,000, four-year scholarships and three $5,000, two-year scholarships to 2023 graduating seniors from employees’ families. Three of the scholarship recipients are children of Walsworth employees working in Ripon. Paige Biever, daughter of Valerie Paschke, is a graduate of Ripon High School. She plans to attend Ripon College and major in business development. Ava Schultz is the daughter of Laura and Matthew Schultz. She is a graduate of Fond du Lac High School and plans to attend the UW-Milwaukee where she will major in graphic design. Paige Velie, is the daughter of Roger and Michelle Velie. She is a graduate of Ripon High School and plans to attend the UW-Stevens Point where she will major in accounting. Those three young women are each receiving a four-year, $16,000 scholarship.

Dr. Ryan Pizinger, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon, is now serving SSM Health patients in Fond du Lac and Ripon. He will be seeing patients at the SSM Health Plaza A in Fond du Lac and Ripon Community Hospital. Dr. Pizinger specializes in sports medicine, joint replacement surgery, anterior hip replacement surgery, shoulder reconstruction, and hip, shoulder, and knee arthroscopy. Prior to moving to Fond du Lac he practiced in the Joliet, Illinois area for 11 years. He says his goal is to return his patients to their active lifestyle as quickly as possible. He says physical therapy after surgery is important in getting people back on their feet, but just how long that will take depends on the type of surgery they had. For more information about Dr. Pizinger or to schedule an appointment, call 920-926-8616 or 920-745-3500.
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