6/3/23 Project Search Graduation at Ascension Mercy Hospital
3 June 2023 News
OSHKOSH – Jenna Huth has enjoyed meeting new friends as a Project SEARCH intern at Ascension Mercy Hospital over the last nine months. She also has enjoyed learning new skills that have prepared her to join Wisconsin’s workforce.
“I learned how to communicate with my coworkers and now I feel comfortable having conversations with the people I work with,” she said.
Huth is looking forward to finding a part-time job close to her home where she can bag groceries or help stock items on the shelves.
“The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development congratulates nearly 200 Project SEARCH graduates throughout the state for their efforts over the past nine months,” said DWD Secretary-designee Amy Pechacek. “These highly motivated interns pushed themselves to explore new opportunities and develop additional life skills that will help them thrive in our state’s labor market and bring many talents to any employer.”
A Project SEARCH graduation ceremony at Ascension Mercy Hospital on Friday, May 26, in Oshkosh, marked the completion of a nine- to 12-month immersive work experience. The interns recounted their hands-on experiences and talked about their future career opportunities.
In addition to the host site, the local internship experience was made possible by partners including the Department of Workforce Development’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Oshkosh Area School District, Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin, Lakeland Care, IRIS, and TMG Wisconsin. Statewide, 28 premier employers are participating in Project SEARCH this year.
Project SEARCH is a collaborative effort among state vocational rehabilitation agencies, area schools, local employers, and long-term care organizations to help interns acquire marketable, competitive, and transferable skills that lead to employment. The interns complete multiple 10-week rotations to maximize exposure to different career paths and learn employability skills in a classroom and hands-on job skills within the business environment.
Started at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in 1996, Project SEARCH has provided workforce training to approximately 1,500 Wisconsin residents since its statewide launch in 2008. For more, visit Project SEARCH Wisconsin at: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/programs/project-search/.
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