6/24/23 SWAT Call in Campbellsport
24 June 2023 News
Charges will be brought against a Campbellsport man who allegedly fired a gun inside his apartment Friday night and claimed he had shot himself in the stomach. It happened in a multifamily apartment complex on County Highway W. Other residents claimed they heard a possible gunshot coming from the apartment of the man who called the Fond du Lac County Communications Center. He claimed he was going to shoot himself again. Deputies cleared out four apartments while the man was still inside his. The Sheriff’s Office called out its SWAT Team and the crisis negotiation team. Negotiators learned the man was heavily intoxicated. They talked him into putting his gun down and he surrendered. When deputies checked the man for wounds he explained he did not actually shoot himself and there were no signs of injuries from a gunshot. He was taken to St. Agnes Hospital for further treatment. Charges are forthcoming.
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