6/2/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
2 June 2023 News
PETA is asking the District Attorneys in Fond du Lac and Washington counties to add cruelty-to-animal charges against a 40-year-old Eden man suspected of setting at least 8 wild and grass fires in the area. Daniel Enright is charged with 5 counts of intentionally setting fire to another’s land and 2 counts of arson of a property other than a building in Fond du Lac County. According to the criminal complaint all seven felony charges stem from fires set over the last three years, the earliest dating back to March 27th of 2020. Enright allegedly admitted to setting those fires usually to relieve stress. He is suspected of burning approximately 60 acres of land. In a letter to Fond du Lac County DA Eric Toney and Washington County DA Mark Bensen, PETA investigator Sarah Deffinger says although thankfully no humans lost their lives, the countless wild animals who resided on those burned lands were undoubtedly less fortunate. She points out species affected in and around the Kettle Moraine State Forest, where at least one of the fires occurred, include sandhill cranes, spotted salamanders, and star-nosed moles. Enright’s next court appearance in Fond du Lac County is scheduled for August 3rd. His initial court appearance in Washington County on an intentionally setting fire to another’s land charge is on Monday.
The Fremont-Wolf River Fire Department was dispatched for a house fire in Fremont about 8 o’clock Wednesday morning. Thirteen other fire departments joined them during the nearly 5 ½ hours it took to put out the fire. Fire Department officials say the two parents, two kids, and two dogs living in the home were able to evacuate. A woman injured her foot during that escape. When firefighters arrived flames were showing with heavy smoke. The home is considered a total loss, but some of the contents may be recovered. Officials believe the fire started in the garage, which had to be demolished so crews could reach the fire as it spread to the home and attic.
A competency exam was ordered yesterday for the 36-year-old Beaver Dam man facing a felony escape charge for walking away from the Dodge County Jail. In late April the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office was notified that Michael Kirk, a Huber inmate, failed to report back to the jail from work release. According to the criminal complaint law enforcement learned that day Kirk had been fired from his job and wasn’t authorized to be released. Sheriff’s officials were tipped off the next morning that Kirk was staying in a room at the Holiday Express in Beaver Dam. Kirk barricaded himself in his hotel room when they contacted him. A negotiator talked him out of the room a little over three hours later. Kirk was serving time in jail on felony bail jumping and criminal damage charges. A scheduling conference for the case is set for June 19th.

Congressman Glenn Grothman voted in favor of the Fiscal Responsibility Act Wednesday night that will raise the debt limit for two years and cap government spending. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says the bill will cut the deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next decade. Republicans in the House wanted an 8 or 9 percent cut in spending, but he says with a Democrat-controlled Senate and Whitehouse it is a win for the GOP and Americans. He says they went from an expected increase of 6 percent to a mild cut in spending at a time when inflation is around 6 percent. The bill suspends the debt limit until January 1st of 2025. The House approved it on vote of 314 to 117. Thursday the Senate followed suit approving it on a 63 to 36 vote. Wisconsin’s two U.S. Senators split their vote with Tammy Baldwin voting for it and Ron Johnson against it. The bill now goes to President Biden to be signed into law.

Officials with the Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area say they’ve surpassed 80 percent of their $10 million goal in a capital campaign for a new facility in Ripon. By the middle of May more than $8 million had been donated or pledged. The new facility being built on the former Republican House grounds will feature four early-childhood classrooms; youth program areas, a gymnasium, a performing arts studio, and a skilled trade’s center for teens. The club will serve about 700 kids a year and about 150 on a daily basis. As for the building project officials have encouraged all general contractors to solicit bids from local contractors in Fond du Lac and Green Lake County, with a special emphasis on Ripon businesses. General contractors invited to bid include CD Smith Construction, Miron Construction, and Boldt Construction. Those who would like to donate to the capital campaign can do so at the Club’s website.
State Representative Jon Plumer of Lodi worked on a bill with State Senator Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac that would allow developer financed tax incremental finance districts to create more affordable workforce housing. Representative Plumer says more affordable housing is needed to help employers attract the employees they need. Normally a city creates a TIF District which is restricted to a certain area in a city with the tax revenue going to the city. He says under the bill developers would be able to finance the TIF District themselves. The bill would also allow such districts to have pockets for development. Plumer says there is a huge housing shortage. He says they will be entry-level homes for people looking to buy their first or second house.
The Ripon Police Department and Trinity Evangelical Free Church will be hosting their 8th Annual Bike Rodeo at Barlow Park from 11:30 am to 2 pm this Sunday. Police Chief Bill Wallner says it’s a free family event for children of all ages. Kids who arrive with bike helmets will receive a gift. There will be free sack lunches, hot dogs, snacks and drinks. Prizes will be given out, there’s an obstacle course, and training for novice bike riders. He says they’ve enjoyed a good relationship with the church in sponsoring the bike rodeo over the past several years. Some of the other features of the event include a bike tune up station, lawn games, a bounce house, free bike helmets, t-shirts, ankle bands, and water bottles to children who do not have them while supplies last. Kids can also be registered to win a new bike.

A Ripon College graduate has received a prestigious award from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Mica Rivera of River Falls, Wisconsin graduated from Ripon College in 2021. The award he is receiving is considered one of the nation’s highest academic honors. Each fellowship is worth a stipend of $37,000 per year for up to three years, along with $12,000 per year to the student’s educational institution to offset tuition costs. Rivera says the award means he won’t have to work as a teaching assistant or stress about financial burdens of school. He is currently studying integrated bioscience at the University of Minnesota Duluth. His current master’s thesis is on the physiology of hearing in animals. His goal for Ph.D. will be focused on understanding vocal and social behaviors in animals. This summer, he is doing research at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. (Ripon College photo).
The kick-off event for June Dairy Days in Fond du Lac County is tomorrow in Fond du Lac. Each year in Fond du Lac National Exchange Bank & Trust leads off the Dairy Month with June Dairy Day. It will be held during the Farmer’s Market. Amy Ries is the Director of Agricultural Programs for Envision Greater Fond du Lac. She says it’s the 38th year for the event. It is a free event with a petting zoo and samples of dairy products. There will also be pony rides and face painting. Ries says it is a “Super Family Event.” The event at the bank on South Main Street in Fond du Lac will run from 9 to 11 tomorrow morning.
Every Thursday this summer, kids in Fond du Lac can ride for free to the Fond du Lac Public Library. Through a collaboration between Fond du Lac Transit and the Library, local youth can receive a free ride to and from the Main Library on Sheboygan Street every Thursday. The program starts next Thursday and runs to August 24th. To receive a free ride on a Fond du Lac Transit bus, youth must show their library card when they enter the vehicle.
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