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  • 6/17/23 Ribbon Cutting for ASTOP

6/17/23 Ribbon Cutting for ASTOP

17 June 2023 News

Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac hosted a ribbon cutting with member organization, ASTOP.

ASTOP is a sexual assault service provider offering treatment, outreach, prevention, and advocacy, emphasizing hope and connection to self and others. ASTOP values its commitment to stewardship very seriously.

It is estimated one in four women and one in six men are sexually abused before their eighteenth birthday; the average age of abuse for a female is 13 – 17 years old and 4 years old for a male. ASTOP provides confidential services to everyone, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, and sexual trauma.

ASTOP is located at 21 South Marr Street, near downtown Fond du Lac. To learn more, including information about services, resources, and events, please visit them online. They also have a 24-hour confidential hotline at 920.926.5395.

For more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac, please visit envisiongreaterfdl.com.

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