5/3/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
3 May 2023 News
The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a missing stop sign on Willard Road at State Highway 91. When a deputy arrived the sign and post were missing. Upon a search of the area, another sign and post were missing on Willard Road at White Ridge Road. Both signs and posts appeared to be removed from the ground and taken from the intersections. It occurred sometime prior to Sunday, April 30th. Any information regarding the crime or any other crime can be reported anonymously to the Green Lake County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-438-8436 or texted to GETTHEM at 847411. Tips may be eligible for a cash reward for information leading to the identification of those responsible.

A felony escape charge has been filed against a 36-year-old Beaver Dam man who walked away from the Dodge County Jail. Last Thursday night the Sheriff’s Office was notified that Michael Kirk, a Huber inmate, failed to report back to the jail from work release. According to the criminal complaint law enforcement learned that day Kirk had been fired from his job and wasn’t authorized to be released. Sheriff’s officials were tipped off Friday morning that Kirk was staying in a room at the Holiday Express in Beaver Dam. Kirk barricaded himself in his hotel room when they contacted him. A negotiator talked him out of the room a little over three hours later. Kirk was serving time in jail on felony bail jumping and criminal damage charges. If convicted he could have up to six years added to his sentence.
One of the two men facing dozens of hunting violation charges in Waupaca County pled not guilty to the charges he’s facing. Forty-year-old Eric Feavel of Fox Crossing faces one count of failing to obtain required deer hunting approval, 25 counts of illegal shining of deer, and 24 counts of bail jumping. He was in court yesterday for a preliminary hearing and entered the not guilty pleas. A second man, 37-year-old Travis Vander Heiden of Appleton, faces one count of failing to obtain required deer hunting approval, 25 counts of hunting after license revocation, and 25 counts of illegal shining of deer. Vander Heiden hasn’t received the criminal complaint yet and had time to review it. His adjourned initial court appearance is scheduled for next Tuesday. The two were allegedly caught by a DNR Conservation Warden shining deer last November. According to the criminal complaint Vander Heiden admitted he and Feavel had been shining and shooting deer since 2019.

Governor Tony Evers has appointed Clifford Burdon to serve as Marquette County District Attorney. The appointment fills a vacancy created by former District Attorney Brian Juech’s resignation. Burdon will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends January 2025. Burdon is currently the Assistant District Attorney in the Marquette County District Attorney’s Office and has been a prosecutor for more than a decade previously working in the Juneau, Fond du Lac, and Columbia County District Attorney Offices. Marquette County Sheriff Joseph Konrath says his office looks forward to working with Burdon.
The itinerary for the Memorial Day parade and program in Fond du Lac is set. The parade on Monday, May 29th will start at 10 am on the corner of Rees and Main Streets. It will go south on Main Street and end at Veterans Park. The program will commence at Veterans Park after the parade with Fond du Lac Post 1904 Veterans of Foreign Wars as lead unit this year. Organizations that want to participate in the parade must contact the Fond du Lac County Veterans Service Office at 920-929-3117 or 920-929-3120. All organizations in the parade must be themed toward the meaning of Memorial Day. No candy or other items may be handed out other than small American Flags and then at the discretion of the parade committee. At the request of the parade committee, no political activities will be allowed in the parade. Deadline to request to be in the parade is Friday, May 19th.
State Senator Joan Ballweg says it takes time to go through and approve all of the appointments made by Governor Tony Evers since he was sworn in for a new term of office January 4th. She points out they have approved 52 appointments including five for secretary positions for some of the bigger state government departments. She says there is a process for each appointment that has to be approved by the Senate. The state lawmaker from Markesan says for some of the major appointments the appointee meets with committees and all 33 state senators. Ballweg says appointments assigned to her Committee on Agriculture and Tourism included Tourism Secretary Anne Sayers and Randy Romanski the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
State Representative Jon Plumer wants to know what is on the minds of residents in the 42nd State Assembly District and he is using a survey to find out. The survey was mailed out and is also available online. The state lawmaker from Lodi says they send the survey out every two years to gauge what is important to voters in the district. It has questions about the state budget, gun ownership, abortion, and other topics. It also asks those taking the survey to rate the performance of Plumer, Governor Tony Evers, Congressman Glenn Grothman, and President Joe Biden. A QR code on the survey allows you to use your phone to go directly to the survey.
Rep. Jon Plumer – 42nd District (wisconsin.gov)
The League of Women Voters of the Ripon Area will hold their 61st Annual meeting this Saturday at the Ripon Senior Center. A taco bar lunch will begin at 11:30 am followed by a presentation at 12 noon. The speaker is Stephanie Prellwitz, Executive Director of the Green Lake Association. League President Ellen Sorensen says the League has been an advocate of clean water for a long time, but the purpose for having Prellwitz speak is to drive home the point of making a difference in good government. The Association was successful in stopping a surface mine that was encroaching on the Green Lake Watershed. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Today is the deadline to RSVP for the lunch that will be served prior to the presentation. To do that you need to call 920-960-3397. The cost of the meal is $20. Following the lunch and Prellwitz presentation the League will hold its annual business meeting.

A new Green Lake County Fairest of the Fair and Junior Fairest of the Fair were crowned over the weekend. The reign for 2022 Fairest of the Fair Sadie Goettl and Junior Fairest of the Fair Izzy Badtke came to an end after a year of serving as Green Lake County’s agricultural ambassadors. The 2023 Green Lake County Fairest of the Fair is Jenna Konrad and the Junior Fairest of the Fair is Katelyn Konrad. Madison Mertens was also selected as Fairest of the Fair Attendant. (Green Lake County Fairest of the Fair photo).
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