5/25/23 Wisconsin DOA Secretary Visiting Ripon Today
25 May 2023 News
City of Ripon, – The Department of Administration (DOA) is pleased to announce that Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld will be visiting the City of Ripon today to showcase the positive impact of Governor Tony Evers’ investments in mental health access and economic development. Secretary Blumenfeld will be touring the new mental health unit at SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital, which was made possible, in part, through the Healthcare Infrastructure Capital Grant. Following the hospital visit, Secretary Blumenfeld will engage in discussions with grant recipients, business owners, city officials, and stakeholders in downtown Ripon, focusing on the ongoing local development efforts.
The tour of the mental health unit at SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital will highlight the significant advancements in mental health services made possible by Governor Evers’ commitment to improving access to care. Secretary Blumenfeld will then meet with Main Street Bounceback and Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant recipients. These grants have been instrumental in revitalizing small businesses, stimulating the local economy and ensuring vibrancy in communities across Wisconsin.
“The City of Ripon is grateful for the continued support our community has received. The dollars that are being infused into our local small businesses have made a tremendous impact on the livelihood of our community and have contributed to the success of countless small businesses” stated Adam Sonntag, the City Administrator. “The City is especially grateful for the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) CDI Grant award to support the Knuth Brewing Co. Project. This was an important project that helped save the character of our downtown and has allowed Knuth Brewing Co. to strategically invest in the future” Sonntag went on to say.
Local business owner, Shelbey Roeder stated that, “The Main Street Bounceback Grant has given Blend the opportunity to create a space that highlights the historic features of our building, all while elevating the salon with modern amenities. Blend has been able to give our clients a luxury experience, add top of the line equipment, & expand our services from the benefits that we’ve received from the Main Street Bounceback Grant. We are beyond thankful & extremely excited to continue to grow in historic Downtown Ripon.”
Lauren McConnell, owner of Alexandria Games, expressed her gratitude by stating, “The Main Street Bounceback Grant helped to expand our inventory selection into key areas we had already planned to grow into, including infant/toddler items and S.T.E.A.M. toys. It also helped us improve our game play area to offer a more enjoyable tournament and community space.”
“The Bounceback Grant Program certainly helped us recruit numerous new businesses and led to several expansion projects. As a result, the downtown is now experiencing its lowest vacancy rate in the history of the revitalization program, a rate which is less than one percent and far below the national average” stated Craig Tebon, Executive Director for Ripon Main Street, Inc. “This initiative, combined with CDI grants for the Ernessi Farms and Knuth Brewing Company expansion projects, has produced a vibrant economy which is attracting regional and national attention“ Tebon went on to say.
Mandy Kimes, the Chamber of Commerce Executive Director shared her enthusiasm by stating, “We are really looking forward to the Secretary’s visit and the opportunity to showcase our community’s economic growth and development. Ripon is an exciting destination for businesses and residents alike and a great place to live, work and visit!”
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