5/21/23 2023 Joan Ballweg Scholarship Recipients
21 May 2023 News
Madison…State Senator Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) presented her 19th Annual Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship to 12 outstanding students across the 14th Senate District. The first eight of these scholarships have been awarded to students who have shown their leadership skills.
“The 14th Senate District is home to several students who are excellent leaders. I am thrilled to honor these students with a scholarship for the leadership skills they have demonstrated at school, in their communities and churches, through volunteering or working” said Ballweg. “I look forward to seeing what these young leaders accomplish in the future.”
Recipients of the Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship each receive a $500 scholarship. The Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship rewards students that have actively participated in organizations, local events, and those that have served as leaders in their schools and communities, who are going on to post-secondary education.
Chloe Stampfl, Westfield High School, had a letter of recommendation that spoke on how widely respected she is by students, staff and community members as a student leader. Chloe has shown her leadership skills as student council president, leading Red Cross Blood Drives, mentoring elementary students and sharing her love for science by helping in the Science Olympiad competition.
Sheridan Zimmerman, Ripon High School, has served as Student Council President and volleyball team captain along with participating in FBLA and volunteering for many community events. Sheridan has been recognized in her letters of recommendation for the positive impact she has on the lives of others.
Jenna Konrad, Ripon High School, she has served as a leader of the Ripon FFA, 4H Club and earned the Gold Award for her work with the Girl Scouts. One of the letters of recommendation in Jenna’s scholarship application noted that she had a great ability to communicate her vision, listen to others, overcome obstacles, adapt as needed, fundraise and continue to follow up on her action plan.
Avery James, Green Lake High School, Avery has shown leadership in school and her community by serving several terms on student council, as volleyball and softball team captain and as a youth mentor. She is described as having excellent character, strong work ethic and being selfless.
Heidi Cunzenheim, Pardeeville High School, Heidi has been recognized as a problem solver and is known to be a hard worker. She has shown leadership by her participation in the Bulldog Stomp charity and has aspirations to be a leader and getting involved in local government.
Ian Dugenske, Princeton High School, he has been described as kind and one of his letters of recommendation said he makes the most of any opportunity given to him. Ian has shown leadership by being involved in school leadership as class and student council president and as a leader for the National Honors Society. He has shown his selflessness by volunteering with his classmates to assist the homeless in Oshkosh.
Lauryn Clark, Markesan High School, Lauryn has served her school and community well as a volunteer in her church and as captain of her volleyball and basketball teams. She has shown her dedication to servant leadership with positivity and enthusiasm for keeping younger girls involved in extracurricular activities.
Autumn Young, Berlin High School, she has shown her leadership as captain of two sports teams and as a leader of the KIND committee. Autumn was commended in one of her letters of recommendation for being a vocal leader and leading by example.
Senator Joan Ballweg has awarded her Leadership Scholarship since she was first elected to the Wisconsin State Legislature. The remaining four scholarship recipients will be announced in the near future.
Follow the 14th Senate District by liking the Wisconsin State Senator Joan Ballweg Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WISenBallweg).
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