4/5/23 Voting Results for Judicial Races
5 April 2023 News
Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz got out to an early lead in the State Supreme Court race Tuesday and never looked back defeating former State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly. Her victory gives liberals a 4 to 3 majority in the court for the first time in 15 years. She got 56 percent of the vote. Kelly held his election watch party in Green Lake at the Heidel House.
In another judicial race for a multi-jurisdictional court headquartered in Beaver Dam, Waupun Attorney Todd Snow defeated former Beaver Dam City Attorney MaryAnn Schacht. Between voters in Dodge and Fond du Lac counties Snow received 5,102 votes to Schacht’s 4,216.
In Winnebago County Circuit Court, Branch 2 Judge Scott Woldt held onto his seat defeating challenger Lakiesha Haase by more than 1,200 votes.
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