4/5/23 Election Results Races and Issues
5 April 2023 News
Longtime Eldorado Town Board Chairperson Gary Miller was unseated in yesterday’s election. David Jahns collected 424 votes to Miller’s 211.
Former Campbellsport Police Chief Tom Dornbrook has a new job in his retirement. He was elected Village President besting Village Trustee Randy Zielieke by more than 100 votes.
In the Oshkosh Mayor’s Race the winner was Matt Mugarauer. He defeated Aaron Wojciechowski by nearly 800 votes.
In the Town of Green Lake Supervisor #1 race the winner was Dan Berndt who got almost four times as many votes as his opponent Steve Sterett.
Jason Westphal defeated Karissa Smits by 22 votes for City of Waupun Alderperson in District 1.
Gary Henker and Mark Horvath got the most votes in the race for Village of Brandon Trustee, each winning seats. Richard Vollbrecht finished out of the running.
There were five candidates running for three seats in the Berlin School Board race. The winners emerging from that race were Rick Gehrke, Allison Krause, and Catrina Burgess. Each received more than 1,400 votes.
The Green Lake School Board race also had three seats available and four candidates. The winners were Linda Denell, Jon Roti Roti, and Marty Valasek who each got more than 650 votes.
The school board race in Waupun had two available seats and three candidates. Winners were Jennie Patrykus and Dustin Gassner.
Beth Redeker won a seat on the Rosendale-Brandon School Board representing the Brandon area. She collected 1,518 votes yesterday to opponent Brian Lavota’s 867.
There were plenty of referendum questions on yesterday’s ballot. All three state referendum questions including two on bond issues for people accused of crimes and one which would require able-bodied persons on welfare to look for work-passed.
Voters in the Rosendale-Brandon School District passed an operational referendum that would allow them to exceed their revenue cap by $1.5 million a year for two years and to borrow $35.7 million to consolidate down from 4 facilities to two.
The Berlin Area School District didn’t have as much luck with their two questions as both were defeated. The first would have allowed them to exceed their revenue cap by $2.5 million a year for five years and the second asked for permission to borrow $20 million to make improvements to the Clay Lamberton Elementary School and at the High School.
Voters in the City of Berlin rejected the city’s request to be allowed to levy an additional $250,000 a year in taxes for operational expenses.
The Town of Berlin voters passed a referendum that asked for permission to allow the use of ATVs and UTVs on town roads.
The Winneconne Community School District Tuesday asked for voters for permission to borrow $28.3 million for improvements at the Winneconne Middle School and the High School parking lot. Voters approved the request.
Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says there was a heavy turnout for yesterday’s Spring Election with just over 50 percent of registered voters in the county casting their ballots. That worked out to 30,327 voters exercising their right to vote. Freiberg says there was a heavier turnout in the Villages of Brandon and Rosendale which was probably do to the Rosendale-Brandon School District’s referendum. She says 76 percent of voters in the Village of Brandon voted and 75 percent of the registered voters in the Village of Rosendale. She says there were other things to vote on the ballot but she has no doubt the heavy turnout in the two villages was primarily due to the school district referendum questions, both of which passed.
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