4/4/23 KC Stewart Artwork Featured at Thrasher
4 April 2023 News
Green Lake, Wis. – Green Lake’s historic Thrasher Opera House Gallery will be featuring the works of local artist KC Stewart. The exhibit by Stewart is currently on display at the Thrasher Opera House Gallery and runs through June 30.
KC Stewart is a multi-media artist whose comfort zone throughout life has been art and nature. Although art has never been KC’s “day job,” it’s always been a part of life. Stewart’s art has taken several forms, from fiber art to bookbinding, painting, and jewelry. It has existed in the shadows as a hobby and occasionally as a side hustle. Stewart can now focus a little more on the love of painting and experimenting with blending styles and media. Her current work intends to combine art and nature, abstract and landscape, and a little fairy dust is thrown in for good measure. KC has incorporated actual nature in moss, mud, grass, and pine needles into some pieces and loves to experiment with adding the textures I find in nature and using them as structural elements on the canvas. The color palette is reminiscent of the earth, sky, and water. But most important of all has been relearning the element of play. She says, “I am a testament to the concept that it’s never too late to follow a dream. This has been one of mine.”
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