4/3/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
3 April 2023 News
Three people were injured when two motorcycles heading north on Dodge County Highway T in the town of Portland collided Sunday night. A Suzuki motorcycle crashed into a Harley Davidson motorcycle near Stark Road. The 33-year-old Waterloo man operating the Suzuki was ejected from it and suffered non-life threatening injuries. The 28-year-old Marshall man operating the Harley suffered minor injuries and his passenger a 23-year-old Marshall woman had non-life threatening injuries. The man on the Suzuki was flown to the U-W Hospital in Madison and the woman on the Harley was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison. Sheriff’s officials say no one was wearing a helmet and alcohol was a factor in the crash.
A status conference has been scheduled for June 15th for 68-year-old Ripon man accused of setting a fire at a home he lived at last December. David Schultz was being evicted from the home and told a police officer at the scene that he was sick of “being pestered” by the three other people who lived at 217 Washington Street. The fire caused damage throughout the second floor of the home. During the blaze Schultz had to be rescued from a stairwell and another person from a second story window. Two dogs were also rescued from the residence. According to the criminal complaint he used a lighter to set fire to a pile of magazines in the middle of his room. Schultz was arraigned last month and pled not guilty to charges stemming from the incident. He is being held in the Fond du Lac County Jail on a $35,000 cash bond. He is charged with arson of a building, three counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, and injury by negligent use of a weapon or explosive.
Oshkosh Police say the weapon a student was showing others in the parking lot of Oshkosh West High School Friday morning was an air-soft facsimile weapon. They located it in the student’s vehicle. Police were called and the school went into lockdown after some students saw the subject showing the weapon and reported it to school staff. Officers were on the scene within minutes of the incident being reported. Students were safe and no one suffered injuries as a result of the incident.
Former Waupun Alderman Passes Away

Former Waupun Alderman and Common Council President Eric Navis passed away Friday night, surrounded by his family. Waupun Mayor Rohn Bishop broke the news on his Facebook page. Bishop says he first met Eric when he was running for Mayor in 2000 and they became friends while serving on council. Navis also ran for the State Assembly. He served in the Army for over 13 years, was a member of several different bands, sang at churches in Waupun and Oshkosh, and was a member of the Masons of Waupun. He was 53-years-old. Funeral services will be held in Waupun on Thursday.
Governor Tony Evers has extended the application deadline for the Marquette County District Attorney’s position until 5 pm this Friday. The appointment will fill a vacancy created by District Attorney Brian Juech’s resignation. The new district attorney will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends in January of 2025. To apply, email a completed application form and supporting materials to the Governor’s Office (GovDAapp@wisconsin.gov ). The application is available on the “Apply to Serve” page of Governor Evers’ website.
Official site of Governor Tony Evers (wi.gov)
The Rosendale Brandon School District is hoping a second try at a referendum in as many years will be successful this time. They are placing two questions on tomorrow’s ballots. In the first the district asks permission to exceed its revenue cap by up to $1.5 million a year for two years. The second asks for permission to borrow up to $35.7 million to make improvements at Rosendale Intermediate School and Laconia High School to consolidate down from four schools to two. District Superintendent Wayne Weber says with a declining enrollment consolidation of their facilities will save them about $900,000 a year. He says with no increase in funding expected from the state if both questions pass the $1.5 million in additional revenue a year would help fund them until they can complete improvements and add additions to Rosendale Intermediate and Laconia High School.
Law enforcement agencies across the state have gotten more aggressive about recruiting people to fill staff vacancies. Green Lake County Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk recently traveled to a job fair in Appleton and a program the Criminal Justice Association at the UW-Platteville put on. He says the Sheriff’s Office is looking for a master controller for their jail, but has other openings across the board. They have a couple spots for corrections officers; they need a deputy, and have vacancies for a few communications positions as well. He says one thing they are seeing across the state is more Sheriff’s Departments taking over policing of smaller communities due to the inability to hire qualified individuals and other circumstances. He says that issue hasn’t hit Green Lake County yet.
A clinical neuropsychologist with SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac says there are things you can do to help if someone suffers an epileptic seizure at a gathering you are attending. Dr. Chris Zachar-Tirado says most seizures are only a few minutes long. He recommends after it’s over inform them of what happened. Check for things like a medical bracelet or emergency information and offer to contact transportation if they need a ride home or an ambulance if they need that. During the seizure ease them to the floor, turn them to one side to help them with breathing, clear the area around them of any sharp objects, place a folded jacket or other soft material under their head, and remove eyeglasses if they are wearing some. He says anything restrictive around their neck like a tie should be loosened. There are a few don’ts too, like don’t hold or force them down, and don’t put anything in their mouth. Approximately 3.4 million people in the United States suffer from epilepsy, 3 million adults and 470,000 children.

State Representative Alex Dallman met with Farm Bureau members from Green Lake and Marquette Counties last Wednesday to discuss issues affecting agriculture in the state. There was significant participation from local Wisconsin Farm Bureau members who met with Representative Dallman in the Capitol as part of Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Annual Ag Day at the Capitol event. Discussion included issues related to local transportation, animal health and disease prevention, workforce challenges, food distribution, farmer-led conservation efforts, access to mental health resources, rural prosperity, and other legislative priorities for the two-year state budget. Dallman says he appreciates them making time to travel to Madison to educate him about how the legislature can best support their businesses.
Envision Greater Fond du Lac will now have established hours to assist entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout Fond du Lac County. Director of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Raina Lyman will hold regular hours at locations throughout the county, as well as appointments by reservation. She will be in Fond du Lac on Mondays and Wednesdays, Waupun on Tuesdays, Campbellsport on Thursdays, North Fond du Lac and Ripon on alternating Fridays. To set up a one-on-one appointment call her at 920-322-8680.
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