4/26/23 Wisconsin State Capitol Police Scam
26 April 2023 News
There’s a new twist to the old scam in which someone impersonating a law enforcement official calls to tell you there is a warrant out for your arrest and demands payment to get you off the hook. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the Department of Administration are warning residents about the scam in which the caller says they are with the Wisconsin State Capitol Police. The Capitol Police dispatch number is “spoofed” on your caller ID 608-266-7700. In at least one instance a scam victim sent money to the caller. The Wisconsin State Capitol Police would not make calls to threaten you with warrants or arrest. They would not demand payment over the phone, nor will they ask for your personal financial information. If you receive such a call, just hang up. The Wisconsin State Capitol Police and Department of Administration are working with federal authorities on this investigation.
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