4/19/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
19 April 2023 News
The 52-year-old Campbellsport man who allegedly threatened to damage downtown Dundee is free after posting a $75,000 cash bond. Jonathon McClanathan made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court last Friday. He faces 14 charges including four felony counts of felon in possession of a firearm and one felony count of making a terrorist threat. The Sheriff’s Office got a report about an intoxicated man shortly after 2:30 pm on April 12th. McClantahan was at Dins Garage and Mini Mart. When officers responded he was in the residence attached to the gas station. Prior to that he was removing firearms from the residence and loading them into his pickup truck. He was taken into custody without incident. A preliminary hearing is scheduled tomorrow. (Fond du Lac County Jail photo)
A bold scammer trying to victimize residents in the Village of Fremont in Waupaca County is posing as the village’s police chief. Fremont’s actual police say the female scammer is posing at Chief Katie Boerst and spoofs the police department’s phone number 920-446-2299. The caller may say something along the lines that you have a warrant out for your arrest and need to pay immediately. Often they will direct people to use a phone app to transfer money or purchase pre-paid cards or gift cards. Fremont Police say the best thing you can do is hang up, but if you’re not sure slow things down. Call your family and/or local law enforcement to talk things over first. If you have been a victim of a scam where you gave out confidential information or lost money police can talk you through steps to minimize the damage.

The Ripon Area School District Board of Education is seeking applicants to serve on the board through appointment. The Board accepted School Board Member Nate Zimdar’s resignation from his position at their regular meeting on Monday. The term of the open seat ends in April of 2025. Applicants should submit a written notice to School Board President David Scott by emailing him (scottda@ripon.k12.wi.us ) and also copy into the email Board Secretary Jolene Meyer (meyerj@ripon.k12.wi.us ) or by submitting a hard copy via US mail or delivering the notice to the district office at 1120 Metomen Street, Ripon. The deadline to submit is 4 pm this Sunday. They will interview all interested candidates at a special meeting next Monday at 6 pm in the Ripon High School Community Room. Individuals, who expressed interest in a previous opening on the board and were interviewed on April 3rd, will be considered for the appointment and need not reapply. (Photo: Nate Zimdar)
The State Assembly Tuesday passed legislation authored by State Representative Jon Plumer, as well as reforms to combat carjacking and protect state residents purchasing choices. The state lawmaker from Lodi says he’s grateful his colleagues unanimously approved his legislation to clean up outdated statutes within the Department of Tourism. He says it will ensure things run more efficiently. He also was pleased action was taken to increase penalties for carjacking and reformed its statutory definition. The floor session concluded with the Assembly approving legislation protecting consumer choices from bans on things like gas stoves, gas cars, gas lawn mowers, and more. Plumer represents the 42nd State Assembly District.
Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner says their second school resource officer will have a lot to learn before they press that person into service next fall. Both the Ripon Common Council and Ripon Area School District Board of Education recently approved the hiring of a second school resource officer. Chief Wallner says their current SRO Lindsey Michels is responsible for all of the schools in the city which can be a bit daunting at times so they saw a need for a second SRO. He says their second SRO will be learning both police department and school district policies. Meanwhile the Police Department will be backfilling that patrol position. The City did recently swear in a new officer, Brandon Howell, a former State Patrol Inspector but he is replacing an officer that left the department for another position.

Grant’’s PackageHub of Ripon is holding an electronic waste recycling event this Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. It will be next to the Ripon Town offices at 625 South Douglas Street. Those participating should enter South Douglas Street from the south off of State Highway 23. Grant’s owner Theodore Grant says they will take some items for no fees, but there will be fees for others due to labor and shipping costs. Some items like batteries and light bulbs they won’t be accepting. You can find lists and details about the event at Grants Stores.com. Grant says they used to take electronic items for recycling at the store but storing those items and staffing became issues because they had to be sent out daily. He says if Sunday’s drive-through event is successful they hope to do it on an annual basis.
Home | Recycling Event (grantstores.com)
Each summer Envision Greater Fond du Lac offers a Summer Series for Interns & Co-Ops. It is a one-of-a-kind program in Wisconsin for college intern and Co-op students within the greater Fond du Lac area. It assists businesses in their existing recruitment and retention strategies. Envision President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says companies like Alliance Laundry Systems will send their interns from out-of-state to the program to become acquainted with the Fond du Lac County area and what it has to offer. The interns and co-op students are surveyed before and after the program. Vander Velde says after the program typically 75 percent of those that participated say they would consider living in Fond du Lac County after they graduate and are offered a job. The Summer Series kicks off June 1st and is expected to have up to 100 students.
No Mow May returns to Oshkosh this next month. The city will be relaxing its enforcement of the long grass and weed cutting ordinance for registered participants. Registration is open now for Oshkosh property owners who wish to participate. It is voluntary and free of charge, but registration is required. The registration deadline is April 30th. Properties that have not registered are subject to regular penalties for long grasses or weeds. A link is available on the Oshkosh City website which can be accessed through the “Hot Topics” section. No Mow May is one way to promote early growing of pollinator friendly habitats. Online registration is also underway for the City of Ripon’s No Mow May program.
Congressman Glenn Grothman will be holding four town hall meetings on May 3rd and 4th. On Wednesday, May 3rd he will be at the Pardeeville Village Hall from 11 am to Noon and the Waupun Public Library from 3 to 4 pm. On Thursday, May 4th the 6th District Congressman will have town hall meetings at the Town of Dakota Town Hall in Wautoma from 11 am to Noon and at the Winneconne Town Office from 2:30 to 3:30 pm.
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