4/11/23 Little White Schoolhouse Moving Next Week
11 April 2023 News
The Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce will be relocating the Little White Schoolhouse next week. It will take an impressive feat of coordination and engineering to move the 170 year old building including the temporary relocation of power, cable and telephone lines as well as police escorts to help control traffic. The Schoolhouse will travel north down Blackburn Street and turn west to 1074 West Fond du Lac Street where it will be placed on its new foundation. Chamber Executive Director Mandy Kimes says with the move, “The possibilities are endless.” She says it will reignite the Little White Schoolhouse as a tourist attraction for Ripon just in time for the 170th anniversary of that eventful meeting on March 20th. The Little White Schoolhouse is known as “The Birthplace of the Republican Party.”
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