3/25/23 Oshkosh Shooting Investigation Update
25 March 2023 News
The state’s Department of Justice Criminal Investigation Division gave update Friday on an officer-involved shooting in Oshkosh that occurred on Friday, March 17th. Early that morning Oshkosh Police responded to a threats’ complaint in the 500 block of North Main Street. About 1:30 am officers located the suspect in a vehicle. The suspect drove at officers and one of the officers fired their weapon, striking the suspect. Officers immediately began life-saving measures, and the suspect was taken to a local hospital. The suspect has since been discharged from the hospital and taken into custody for a parole violation warrant issued prior to the event. No officers were injured and the involved officers have been placed on administrative leave. Once the Division of Criminal Investigation completes its investigation copies of the reports will be turned over to the Winnebago County District Attorney’s Office.
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