3/24/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
24 March 2023 News
The Lake Winnebago Area MEG Unit saw a dramatic spike of 4,400 percent more fentanyl seized during 2022 compared to 2021 in the 15 counties it serves including Outagamie, Winnebago, Fond du Lac and Calumet Counties. Officials say while dangerous drugs such as methamphetamine and heroin continue to threaten communities; fentanyl has rapidly become the number one drug threat to the Fox Valley area. Last year the MEG Unit seized approximately 6,300 grams or nearly 14 pounds of illicit controlled substances containing fentanyl. Oshkosh Police Chief Dean Smith says, “Fentanyl in our communities is a scourge on our citizens.” To read more click here.

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt says there is no one dominant illegal drug that is giving them problems in the county. Schmidt points out that they see people using heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. He says a counterpart in Green Lake County told him they are seeing a big increase in the use of meth. Schmidt tells us fentanyl is a big problem right now because it is being cut in to other drugs. He says drug dealers like to cut it into other drugs because people build up a tolerance to opioids and fentanyl provides a bigger but much more dangerous high. He says drug dealers don’t care if their customers die, they only care about making profit. Schmidt feels the only way to stop the influx of fentanyl into our country is to do something about it at our southern borders.
The Ripon School Board unanimously approved a full-time 4K program this week. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says they are excited about it. She says the focus will remain on the developmental aspect of the program, but they are dropping the early-learning reference and just calling it 4K. Whitrock says the full-time program was something parents and the community wanted because of a shortage of child care and the desire to provide the best education for the children in Ripon. She notes they will be looking at developing a 3K program for younger learners. To be eligible for next fall’s full-time 4K program a child must be four years old by September 1st.
Winnebago County supervisors this week approved increases in wages for county employees. That was on the heels of a wage and benefits study. County Supervisor Jacob Floam says the last time the county did such a study was in 2005 and the market has gotten more competitive for employees since then. He says it is not just about being fair, but remaining competitive in the market to retain and attract employees. Floam says even with the wage increases the county will be living within its means. He says in the future they will be looking at merit-pay and cost-of-living adjustments.
What started out as a traffic stop Thursday afternoon for speed and equipment violations ended up in the arrest of a 54-year-old Greenville woman for her fourth operating while under the influence offense. It happened on State Highway 10 in Winnebago County’s Town of Clayton. A sergeant with the State Patrol stopped Cindy Reed at 4:14 pm. In approaching her vehicle, the sergeant could smell intoxicants on her and noticed signs of impairment. A subsequent investigation resulted in her arrest. A legal blood draw was conducted at an area hospital and she was taken to the Winnebago County Jail.

A 61-year-old Poynette man was arrested for his fourth operating while intoxicated offense following a traffic stop on State Highway 60 in Columbia County’s Town of West Point early Wednesday morning. Sheriff’s officials say a deputy pulled Daniel Bittner over for a speeding violation shortly before 1 am. During contact with Bittner the deputy noticed signs of impairment. Bittner was subsequently arrested for being impaired and was taken to the Columbia County Jail.
The City of Oshkosh is reminding property owners to remove diseased and potentially hazardous trees from their right of way. The right of way or street terrace is the space between a sidewalk and city street. If a tree needs to be removed the property owner would receive a letter from the city. If the property owner does not comply and complete the removal of the tree, the city has the authority to have that tree removed at the property owner’s expense. In particular the city is concerned about trees damaged by or infested with Emerald Ash Borers. More information about finding someone to remove or treat an ash tree can be found on the city’s website.
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State Representative Alex Dallman joined his Republican colleagues in the State Assembly Wednesday in passing Senate Joint Resolution 21 which calls on the governor to schedule a special election to fill a vacancy in the Office of Secretary of State. Secretary of State Douglas La Follette resigned from his post last Friday after over 45 years of service. Governor Tony Evers immediately filled the position with the appointment of Sarah Godlewski. Dallman says it is amazing to him that Governor Evers would bypass the voters of Wisconsin and unilaterally fill the position on his own. The state lawmaker from Green Lake says Democrats are doing everything they can to ensure the office remains in Democratic control. La Follette had 45 months left in his term of office.
After waiting 3 years due to COVID travel restrictions, teachers from Barlow Park Charter School will finally travel to their mentor school this summer. The 3-day professional development trip to Sydney Australia was planned as an essential part of the Federal Charter Grant Budget when the school’s unique instructional model was approved. Barlow Park Charter School in Ripon is competency-based which means literacy and math lessons have learners working in flexible groups based on each individual student’s needs. It is also a play-based learning environment, which means there is a portion of the day called Play Workshop that is dedicated to the development of social and emotional skills. This June, the Barlow Park Charter team will finally meet members of their mentor team.

The Franki Moscato Foundation has launched its inaugural shoe drive to raise money to fight teen suicide in Wisconsin. The campaign is canvassing Oshkosh and surrounding communities encouraging families to donate gently worn, new, and used shoes that will ultimately be delivered to impoverished families in Haiti, Uganda, and 23 other developing countries. The campaign is titled “Shoes for Sunshine” and runs through May 13th. Drop-off sites are at the Franki Moscato Foundation offices at 452 North Main Street in Oshkosh and Revs Bowl Bar & Grill at 275 North Washburn Street in Oshkosh. A drop-off party will be held at Revs on Saturday, May 6th from 10 am to 2 pm with live-music by Franki Moscato.
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