3/22/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
22 March 2023 News
Appleton Police have issued a statewide alert about two separate fraudulent transactions that cost an Illinois resident $8,000. The suspect used a US Bank in Appleton and the victims’ personal information on a Driver’s License to complete the transactions. The first involved withdrawing $4,000. In the second the suspect had a cashier’s check made out to a “Cheryl Reed” and was able to remove an additional $4,000. The victim also got a call from an Oshkosh Branch of US Bank about an attempted withdrawal of $4,700 that was denied. Still photos of the suspect from bank surveillance video were sent out. Anyone who might recognize the suspect is asked to contact Appleton Police Sergeant Anthony Rosetti at 920-832-5574. (Appleton Police Department surveillance photo).
Dodge County’s Sheriff feels his office providing 24/7 law enforcement coverage of the Village of Lomira makes a lot of sense. Dale Schmidt says they’ve always provided coverage for the village to some extent but as of the first of this month they now have three deputies who will be working out of Lomira during their shifts. When those deputies go off duty the Sheriff’s Department still provides coverage. One of the deputies will be a school resource officer that works in the Lomira schools. Schmidt says the Sheriff’s Department’s SWAT Team was part of a nationwide drug enforcement effort that executed search warrants at 20 homes and one of those homes was in Lomira. That home’s resident was known to traffic drugs with frequent visits to Milwaukee and Chicago. He says Interstate 41 which runs through the heart of the village is a major corridor for drug-trafficking so having 24/7 coverage benefits Dodge County and the village.
Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says there are no easy solutions when it comes to finding child care for workers. A task force in Fond du Lac County is looking into it. They’ve met three times and are now completing a survey on what the next step should be. Vander Velde says those steps could include breaking into subcommittees or using the task force for information sharing. She says child care issues vary from community to community. Ripon City Administrator Adam Sonntag has sat in a couple of the task force’s meetings. Vander Velde said he shared that waiting lists for child care are so long some workers may consider getting on a list before they have a child. She notes there is a lot of shift work associated with agriculture and manufacturing and for some working third shift child care is very difficult to obtain. She says another factor is the cost of child care.
Moraine Park Technical College will host a Future Fair, a community-wide job fair, on Wednesday, April 12th from 11 am to 2 pm at the Fond du Lac Campus Conference Center. The event will feature over 65 employer exhibits, all are looking to hire skilled workers immediately. Michele Sabel, employment services specialist at Moraine Park, says it is the first job fair of this magnitude they have hosted since the pandemic. Moraine Park students and community members are invited and encouraged to participate. Registration is not required.

The state’s Department of Natural Resources is asking the public to avoid feeding deer as cold winter weather continues around parts of the state. The DNR says supplemental feeding of deer, such as leaving corn and other feed out for them in your backyard causes more harm than good. Officials say deer are well-adapted to survive in winter conditions, with a slower metabolism in cold months and adjustments in their gut microbiomes to adapt to winter food sources. Corn, alfalfa and other feed are not part of their natural winter diet and can cause severe digestive issues and even death. Deer feeding is currently illegal in more than three-quarters of Wisconsin counties. Where it is legal, regulations restrict the location and amount of food that may be placed.

The Oshkosh Area School District recognized Ted Neitzke, Chief Executive Officer and Agency Administrator for CESA 6, as the recipient of its 2023 Spirit of Education Award. Neitzke was recognized during a community celebration on March 13th. The District has been fortunate to partner with Neitzke on numerous initiatives at all levels of the organization ranging from school board training to student leadership. As an advocate for education, Neitzke has a unique ability to inspire and energize those around him. He is the host and creator of “The Smart Thinking Podcast,” which is dedicated to supporting leadership in the classroom, the boardroom, and in life.
Seasonal hours of operation for Oshkosh’s yard waste drop off center go into effect on April 1st. The operating hours will be from 11 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday, and 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The yard waste drop-off center is closed on city recognized holidays, including Good Friday. Permits are required to use the drop-off center. The cost of a single vehicle permit for City of Oshkosh residents is $25. The cost to a non-resident is $125 which includes people living in the Towns of Algoma, Black Wolf, Nekimi, Oshkosh and Vinland. Permits are valid from January 1st to December 31st of the year permitted. Permits can be purchased at the Collection counter at the Oshkosh City Hall or Kitz and Pfeil Ace Hardware in Oshkosh.
The Ripon Senior Activity Center will be sponsoring a “Stand Up and Move” class starting April 20th at 10:30 am at the center. It’s an eight-week course meeting every other week. Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says the class is designed to get people who spend six hours or more sitting a day to “Stand Up and Move” more. She says its goal is to get people standing 68 minutes more during a day. The sedentary impact of sitting too much is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. She says the class does not involve exercise; it is more about brainstorming about ways to get you standing and moving more. To find out more call 920-748-6450 or email the center (seniorcenter@cityofripon.com ).
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