3/13/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
13 March 2023 News
One Killed and Two Injured In Calumet County Crash
Calumet County Sheriff’s officials say a man died and a woman was taken into custody after a suspected drunken driving crash in the Village of Harrison. Deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Oneida Street and State Highway 114 about 8:15 Saturday night. A 19-year-old Grand Chute man was driving a sedan with two passengers east on Plank Road at Oneida Street. A 59-year-old Kaukauna woman in a pickup truck was heading south on Oneida Street. Investigators say the pickup hit the driver’s side of the sedan. The 19-year-old man was taken to a local hospital where he died. His passengers, a 32-year-old Menasha woman and a 33-year-old Menasha man were also taken to hospitals. The woman is in critical condition. The Kaukauna woman was not hurt. She was arrested with charges of homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle pending. Speed was also believed to be a factor in the crash.
High Speed Chase and Crash in FDL County
A 36-year-old Oshkosh man is facing charges for a vehicle chase with law enforcement on Interstate 41 northbound in Fond du Lac County Friday afternoon. The pursuit began in the City of Fond du Lac and headed north on I-41. Fond du Lac Police, Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies, and the State Patrol were involved in the pursuit. Officers used a tire deflation device and box-in maneuver to stop the vehicle, but the driver refused to comply and get out of it. Deputies broke one of the vehicle’s windows and eventually a taser was used to take the man into custody. He faces a number of criminal charges. One Sheriff’s squad was damaged during the box-in maneuver. During the incident there was an accident in the southbound lanes of I-41 as drivers slowed down to watch what was happening. Four vehicles collided but there were no serious injuries.
State Budget Urban Focused
State Representative Alex Dallman says the Governor has forgotten much of our rural area in his budget. Dallman sits on the Joint Finance Committee which shapes the state’s budget. He says the budget definitely leans toward our bigger population centers and the Governor’s broadband expansion program is somewhat lacking for rural areas. The state lawmaker from Green Lake says some of the one-time funding for roads should also include funding for our rural roads. Dallman says this is definitely a budget that is made for Madison and Milwaukee but as legislators they need to make it more rural.
Salute The Troops
Next month Salute the Troops in Fond du Lac will be participating in the Vetrepreneur Project a business incubator program for veterans. It’s a 7-week course with details on Salute the Troops website. But the non-profit organization also provides financial, emotional, and professional resources to service members, veterans, and their families in the Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, and Dodge County areas. Jason Turner is the group’s executive director. He says they can provide gas and grocery cards up to $250 for veterans in a financial bind. There are also social opportunities like a Musky fishing trip, a Purple Hearts program at EAA AirVenture, Virtual Reality Gaming, Coffee socials, and soon a board game program. They also have an annual veterans’ gala. Salute the Troops also offers professional working space at little to no cost to veterans. For more details check out the Salute the Troops website.
Veterans | Salute The Troops | Fond Du Lac (salutethetroopswi.org)
Hospice Program Offers Home Like Experience
The System Director for Hospice Services for SSM Health in Fond du Lac has been with service for 16 years. Zach Vercauteren by trade is a nurse. He says he can’t imagine doing anything else. He says they provide a vital service for families who have a loved one who is reaching end of life. He says they have a really interdisciplinary team to help. He says their hospice program will come to a home, nursing home, assisted living center, or hospital but they try and give the person a home-like experience. They also have a 20-bed facility in Fond du Lac, Hospice Home of Hope which they try to make as close to home like as possible. Vercauteren says they typically work by referrals, but anyone can make a referral and families are welcome to call them directly if they want to know more. Their toll free number is 1-800-924-2273.
Spring Fish and Wildlife Hearings
The Wisconsin Conservation Congress and Department of Natural Resources invite the public to get involved in April during the annual spring hearing public input opportunity. The spring hearings focus on natural resources-related questions and proposed rule changes. They will again be held in a virtual format, as they have been since 2020. This year’s online questionnaire will be open from April 10th at noon through April 13th at noon via the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Spring Hearing webpage. New this year will be open houses in each county to allow the public to ask questions and learn about resource management in their neck of the woods. Open houses will be held from April 3rd through April 6th. More details are available online.
WCC/DNR Open Houses | | Wisconsin DNR
Wisconsin Quit Line Expands Services
At the beginning of the month, the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line expanded its free services to help people quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco use. Now, in addition to free calls, the Quit Line will offer free texting and online chatting with live quit coaches. And, for a limited time, the Quit Line will offer one 8-week shipment of nicotine patch, gum, or lozenge, or combination patch and gum or patch and lozenge to registered participants. You must be medically eligible and 18 or older to qualify. They’ll also offer up to five proactive calls from Quit Line for free coaching support. This is available while supplies last. Now there also is a new number to text for Quit Line services. Now, text READY to 34191. Wisconsin residents 13 and older can still reach the Quit Line 24/7 by calling 800-QUIT-Now, that’s 800-784-8669 or by visiting them online. Teens 13 to 17 who want to specifically quit vaping can text VAPEFREE to 873373 for free help via text.
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