3/11/23 Vehicle Pursuit and Crash in FDL County
11 March 2023 News
A 36-year-old Oshkosh man is facing charges for a vehicle chase with law enforcement on Interstate 41 northbound in Fond du Lac County Friday afternoon. The pursuit began in the City of Fond du Lac and headed north on I-41. Fond du Lac Police, Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies, and the State Patrol were involved in the pursuit. Officers used a tire deflation device and box-in maneuver to stop the vehicle, but the driver refused to comply and get out of it. Deputies broke one of the vehicle’s windows and eventually a taser was used to take the man into custody. He faces a number of criminal charges. One Sheriff’s squad was damaged during the box-in maneuver. During the incident there was an accident in the southbound lanes of I-41 as drivers slowed down to watch what was happening. Four vehicles collided but there were no serious injuries.
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