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3/10/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday

10 March 2023 News

Winter Weather Advisory

A Winter Weather Advisory continues this morning until 9 am for Dodge, Fond du Lac, Waupaca and Waushara counties and until Noon for Winnebago County. Hazardous conditions could affect the morning commute. You can find delays and cancellations under the weather tab at Hometown Broadcasting.com.

Preliminary Hearing For Drunken Driving Homicide Suspect Rescheduled

A preliminary hearing has been rescheduled for a 56-year-old Oshkosh man charged with drunken driving homicide for a Fond du Lac County accident that killed a 58-year-old Waukesha man and seriously injured a 62-year-old Waukesha woman. Brian Sippel faces seven felony charges stemming from the January 14th accident on Highway 151 above Interstate 41 near the on ramp to I-41. His pickup truck was traveling at highway speeds as it approached stop lights and struck two vehicles from behind that were stopped for the lights. Sippel has been previously convicted of operating while intoxicated. Sippel was in court with his attorney Thursday and they waived the time limits for a preliminary hearing. It has been rescheduled for April 7th. Sippel is being held in the Fond du Lac County Jail on a $1 million cash bond.

Oshkosh Man Who Threatened to Shoot Co-Worker Bound Over for Trial

Authorities in Winnebago County say a business’s supervisor prevented a shooting at an Oshkosh company last month. According to a criminal complaint Sheriff’s deputies arrested 22-year-old Gavin Thielke on February 15th after he got into an argument with a co-worker and pointed a gun at her stomach, threatening to shoot her. A company supervisor reached behind him and grabbed the gun. During the struggle it went off and Thielke was shot in the leg. Thielke had previous arguments with the co-worker in the two days prior to the incident which happened at Wisconsin Superior Paints and Coatings on Green Hill Court. Thielke is charged with second degree recklessly endangering safety and disorderly conduct.  He was in court for a preliminary hearing yesterday which he waived. He was bound over for trial and will be arraigned on March 30th.

FDL Assistant Police Chief Retiring

Fond du Lac Assistant Police Chief Steve Klein

Fond du Lac Assistant Police Chief Steve Klein will be retiring at the end of the month. The longtime member of the police force in Fond du Lac rose up through the ranks. He has over 30 years of service with the department. His last day is on March 31st. The Department will be holding an Open House from 11 am to 2:30 pm that Friday in Conference Room A of the police station. At 2:30 that afternoon there will be a flag ceremony and final radio call in the south parking lot near the flag poles. The public is welcome to attend.

Washington County Sheriff Pays It Forward

Washington County Sheriff’s photo.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office Thursday took a generous donation and paid it forward. A person affiliated with Pepperidge Farms told Sheriff’s officials executives with the company wanted to show their support for local public safety and provided freshly baked bread products to be distributed to law enforcement and the fire service. Because the act of kindness could be interpreted as a gratuity the Sheriff’s Office accepted the 60 loaves of bread, but distributed it to food pantries in Slinger, Hartford, and Kewaskum. The Sheriff’s Office thanked the food pantries for the work they do and Pepperidge Farms for their kind donation. The Sheriff’s Department says even though they cannot accept the token, at yeast the bread did not go to waste.

State Budget Misconceptions

A member of the state’s Joint Finance Committee says the projected $7 billion surplus they have to work with to shape the state budget is a bit of a misconception. State Senator Joan Ballweg of Markesan says while Governor Tony Evers has proposed a tax cut for the middle class it would be paid for by doing away with needed tax credits for agriculture and manufacturing and raising other taxes. She points out that some of that $7 billion surplus is from one-time only money. She says the tax increases the Governor has proposed would put the state into a $3 billion deficit by 2027. Ballweg says when Governor Walker entered office he inherited a $3.2 billion deficit from Governor Doyle and it took nearly 10 years to get rid of that deficit.

Sharing the Revenue

Both the Governor and State Legislature have plans to use a portion of the state’s sales tax monies to create more shared revenue for counties, municipalities, and towns. State Representative Alex Dallman of Green Lake is a member of the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee which shapes the state budget. He says the Governor kind of stole their idea when he gave the State Budget Address last month, but they are working toward the same end. He says legislators would like to give back one penny out of every five cents in sales tax money to counties, municipalities and towns. He says funding would be tied to the state’s economy. He says there are a lot of stakeholders on board with the proposal to use a portion of the state sales tax monies including the League of Municipalities, the Counties Association, and Towns Association.

Hospice Care

The System Director for Hospice Services for SSM Health in Fond du Lac says former President Jimmy Carter going through hospice care will bring more attention to the types of services available to families as a loved one nears end of life. Zach Vercauteren says hospice care is about providing comfort at the end of life as close to home as possible. He says the services they offer can be at home, in a nursing home, assisted living, hospital, and they have the Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac as well. Vercauteren says hospice care is primarily for those with 6 months or less to live, but the average stay for hospice across the country is only 18 days. He says they typically work by referrals, but anyone can make a referral and families are welcome to call them directly if they want to know more. Their toll free number is 1-800-924-2273.

Hospice Services | SSM Health at Home

Public Office Preparation

Envision Greater Fond du Lac launched their newly developed Public Office Preparation 101 or POP101 program. The program provides essential information and skills needed for a success in public office. Participants will explore basic competencies, including how to navigate the paperwork process; fundraising and spending; campaigning; and building a public persona. The first cohort of the program begins this June, with two evening sessions and features former state representatives and other experienced presenters on topics relevant to running for office in Fond du Lac County. Registration is open for this year’s program and can be found on the Envision Greater Fond du Lac website, under the events tab.

Old Glory Honor Flight Honors Vietnam Veterans

One of the most emotional and poignant moments of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each year will return this summer as 100 Vietnam War vets will take a Yellow Ribbon Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. on July 28th. Veterans from the Vietnam War will be honored as they travel to the nation’s capital to tour war memorials at no cost to them. The veterans will return to Oshkosh at the conclusion of the Friday afternoon air show and thousands of people will welcome them back home and give them the recognition they deserve. Rick Larsen, EAA’s vice president of communities and member programing, says, “The Yellow Ribbon Honor Flight is traditionally one of the best events of AirVenture week and this year is fitting as part of our ‘Vietnam Remembered: 50 Years Later’ schedule of activities.” This is the ninth year that the Yellow Ribbon Honor Flight originated at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh under the auspices of Old Glory Honor Flight of Appleton.

Daylight Saving Time

You will lose an hour of sleep Sunday when Daylight Saving Time begins.  It is time to “Spring Forward” or set our clocks ahead an hour. Fire departments also remind residents that it is a good time to replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace those detectors if they don’t work.

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