2/26/23 Two Arrested in Separate Snowmobiling Incidents in FDL County
26 February 2023 News
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies responded to two separate incidents involving snowmobiles Saturday. The first was just before 3 pm when a snowmobile on Lake Winnebago went through thin ice. Bystanders threw the 31-year-old Fond du Lac man a rope and got him safely to shore where Fond du Lac paramedics checked him out. He was arrested for his first operating while intoxicated offense. The incident happened a few hundred feet from the lighthouse at Lakeside Park.
The second incident occurred shortly before 6:30 pm on County Highway HHH near County Highway G in the Town of Calumet. A 69-year-old Menasha man was tossed over the handlebars of his sled when he lost control and his snowmobile struck the road at the road crossing. He was flown from the scene to a hospital with suspected serious injuries. He was wearing a helmet. He was arrested for his first operating while under the influence offense.
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