2/25/23 Ribbon Cutting at Indigo Gallery & Gifts in FDL
25 February 2023 News
Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac hosted a ribbon cutting with member organization, Indigo Gallery & Gifts, to celebrate the opening of their new store.
Jim and Janine Sears, owners of the new downtown business, Indigo Gallery & Gifts, create abstract art. Jim is a painter; Janine specializes in decorative pouring. The store also offers retail pottery, sculptures, natural soaps, and candles. Additionally, they are also hosting the work of other local artists.
“This has been a dream of ours for some time,” Jim Sears, co-owner, said. “We’ve both been doing art for years and always dreamed of opening a store where we could share our love of art with others. This opportunity to have a retail store is exciting for us.”
Indigo Gallery & Gifts follows their own mission of “be open-minded, be creative, no limits, explore new ideas and ways”. To learn more, please visit them online.
For more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac, please visit envisiongreaterfdl.com.
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