2/16/23 Republican Reaction to Governor Tony Evers State Budget Address
16 February 2023 News
Governor Tony Evers released his biennial budget last night promising comprehensive initiatives to support working families, strengthen the state’s workforce, and maintain the economy’s momentum. Republican lawmakers from the area had a different view of what he has proposed. State Senator Joan Ballweg of Markesan who sits on the Joint Finance Committee says the Governor has presented three budgets to the legislature. She says through these spending plans and the dispersal of federal pandemic relief funds, he has proven to be an urban governor. She says the state cannot leave its rural communities behind and legislative Republicans will ensure all of Wisconsin is funded in this plan.
State Representative Jon Plumer of Lodi says, “Unfortunately, we saw more of the same from Governor Evers this evening as he introduced his proposed state budget. Higher taxes, massive unsustainable spending increases, and liberal wish list policies that are dead on arrival.”
State Representative Alex Dallman of Green Lake says, “Governor Evers’ budget proposal is unrealistic, reckless, and unsustainable.” He adds, “It is foundationally flawed by being built upon substantial new tax increases, the expansion of welfare, and the creation of countless new programs that grows government to a size that we cannot afford.”
To read Governor Tony Evers State Budget Address click here.
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