1/27/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
27 January 2023 News
Waupun Police Officer Falls Through the Ice
Waupun Police are warning residents to stay off the Harris Mill Pond after an officer fell through the thin ice. That officer was taken to Waupun Memorial Hospital as a precaution but is doing well according to department officials. It happened Wednesday night. The officer was on patrol and saw two kids taking a picnic table out onto the ice. The officer was trying to get the table off of the pond when he fell through. Using a rope a second officer was able to get that officer out. Colder temperatures are forecast through next Thursday but Waupun Police say not to be fooled by that there are many open water areas on the pond and the ice is thin. (Waupun Police Department graphic)
Sex Offender Being Released In Oshkosh

Oshkosh Police tell us a 54-year-old sex offender will be living in the City beginning Saturday, although an exact location isn’t known at this time. Terrance Thompson will be homeless when he is released from Oshkosh Correctional Institution. He was convicted in 1993 of four counts of lewd and lascivious behavior and in 1998 of first degree sexual assault of a child. The victim was a 2-year-old girl. He will be registered on Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry for the remainder of his life.
CWD Detected In Waupaca County

The state’s Department of Natural Resources Thursday confirmed a wild deer tested positive for chronic wasting disease or CWD in Waupaca County in the Town of Harrison, within 10 miles of Shawano, Marathon and Portage County borders. A hunter harvested the 2-year-old doe. It is the first confirmed wild CWD-positive deer detection in Waupaca County. The DNR and Waupaca County Deer Advisory Council will be hosting a public meeting on Wednesday, February 8th from 6 to 8 pm at the Manawa City Hall. DNR staff will provide information about CWD in Wisconsin, local CWD testing efforts and disease surveillance options being considered. As required by state law, the DNR enacts three-year baiting and feeding bans in counties where CWD has been detected and two-year bans in adjoining counties that lie within 10 miles of CWD detection. Deer baiting and feeding has been banned in Waupaca County since 2014, initially due to CWD detections in farm-raised deer in Marathon County within 10 miles of the county border.
DNR Confirms First CWD Detection In Wild Deer Harvested In Waupaca County | Wisconsin DNR
Timing Right For Knuth Brewing
The owner of Knuth Brewing Company in Ripon says their pending move into the former American House at 230 Watson Street is a matter of things falling into place at the right time and the support of their customers and friends. Dave Knuth says they actually looked at that property a few years ago but the timing wasn’t right. Things also fell through for developers who wanted to turn it into condos. Then last summer those developers approached Knuth with an offer he accepted and Knuth Brewing will be moving into the former American House once needed improvements on the inside of the building are complete. They are moving the restaurant and will be putting in a bigger brewery and a banquet hall where they can host conferences, weddings and other larger gatherings. He says the brewery will be triple the size of what they currently have. They have 19,000 square feet to work with. Once the move is complete they will look for a new tenant for their current facility also on Watson Street. Knuth says with a growing demand for their product the timing was right.
Strep Throat Increase
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an alert last month about an increase in a certain form of strep throat in the U.S. between September and November. It may not have been a higher rate than what was seen prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the U.S. usually sees an increase after other countries do and European countries have seen an increase in strep throat cases for children under 10 years of age. Dr. Jeanne Lyke is a pediatrician with SSM Health’s Ripon Community Hospital. She says they’ve seen an increase in strep throat cases in the community. She says other viral infections including the flu can cause a sore throat, but it is best to have your child tested by your health care provider if you suspect strep throat because they can prescribe antibiotics that will take care of it. Dr. Lyke says if your child has a penicillin allergy make sure you tell their doctor that so they can prescribe an antibiotic that won’t harm them.
Ripon School District Increases Staff Summer School Wage
The Ripon School Board recently increased pay for certified summer school staff. District Business Manager Jonah Adams says the Ripon Area School District wants to be a high-achieving school district and part of that effort includes offering a good summer school program. He says last summer they were a bit understaffed and had to turn away some students for the 5-week program. He points out that when they have more students that helps them out financially. The Board approved an increase in pay for summer school staff from $30 to $35 an hour. Adams says that compensation rate needs to be competitive with what other districts in the region are offering if they want to retain and attract staff. It’s the first time the district has increased the summer school wage since 2015.
Oshkosh School Naming Process
Oshkosh’s new public elementary school, set to open in fall 2024, is one step closer to having a name. During its regular board meeting Wednesday, the Oshkosh School Board voted to name the new elementary school Menominee Elementary School-pending approval from the Menominee Tribal Legislature. The District is working with tribal leaders to continue this approval process. Menominee was the top vote-getter in the District’s community-wide surveying process. After narrowing a list of suggestions down from a community-wide survey a list of finalists included Jessie Jack Hopper, Menominee, Poberezny, and Webster Stanley. Menominee got the most votes in a follow up survey.
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