1/22/23 Ribbon at Scooters Coffee in FDL
22 January 2023 News
Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac hosted a ribbon cutting at member organization, Scooters Coffee – Fond du Lac, to commemorate their grand opening.
Scooters Coffee is the fastest, friendliest coffee in the Midwest. Since the start, Scooters has cultivated and nourished strong emotional ties with their farmers, employees, franchisees, baristas, customers, and suppliers.
“We are proud to be involved with such a tremendous brand and a great community,” Michelle Sandbothe, general manager, said. “We hope people will “scoot” on in for our amazing coffee, prepared amazingly fast by our amazingly friendly team.”
Scooters Fond du Lac is located at 527 W. Johnson Street. To learn more, including, menu options and retail, please visit them online. To learn more about the family who owns a number of Wisconsin-based Scooters Coffee location, please visit them online.
For more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac, please visit envisiongreaterfdl.com.
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