1/20/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
20 January 2023 News
Two Injured In Head On Collision Near Campbellsport
A head-on collision between a cargo van and an SUV near Campbellsport sent two people to the hospital. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials say slippery roads led to the crash on State Highway 67 near Memorial Drive just before 8 am Thursday. A vehicle crossed over the center line into the path of another. The driver whose vehicle went over the center line was taken to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee with serious injuries. The other driver was taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac with non-life-threatening injuries. The injured drivers were a woman in her 40s and a man about 60. Both vehicles had heavy front end damage.
Catalytic Converter Thefts In Green Lake

The Green Lake County Crime Stoppers are looking for tips about catalytic converter thefts from a U-Haul business in Green Lake. Sometime between the evening of January 9th and early morning hours of January 12th catalytic converters were stolen from two U-Haul trucks at ACE Island in Green Lake. The thief or thieves returned the evening of January 16th and took catalytic converters from four more U-Haul trucks. The business is located at W1702 North Street in Green Lake. The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information regarding the crimes. Anyone with information is urged to report it to the Green Lake County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-GET-THEM, that’s 1-800-438-8436. You can also text GETTHEM at 847411. Tips may be eligible for up to a $1,000 cash reward for information leading to the arrest of suspects. You can report your tips anonymously.
Powerboat Operator Who Hit Paddlewheel Cruise Boat Charged

The 52-year-old Oshkosh man suspected of driving a powerboat that crashed into a paddlewheel cruise boat made his initial appearance in Winnebago County court yesterday. Jason Lindemann faces 21 different charges for the hit-and-run accident including two counts of second degree recklessly endangering safety, 18 counts of failing to render aid, and one count of negligent operation of a boat. Bond was set at $10,000 cash and one of the bond conditions is absolute sobriety. The crash between the 38-foot powerboat and the paddlewheel boat on the Fox River occurred on July 9th. There were 44 people on the paddlewheel boat at the time. Last August Winnebago County District Attorney Eric Sparr turned the prosecution over to the state’s Department of Justice. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for February 2nd.
Bail Amendment Heading to Ballot
The State Assembly Thursday passed a resolution for a constitutional amendment that would improve Wisconsin’s bail process and keep communities safe. State Representative Jon Plumer of Lodi says, “For too long we have seen violent criminals allowed back on our streets because judges set extremely low or zero bail amounts.” State Representative Alex Dallman of Green Lake says, “I have noticed throughout our state and in our communities that high crimes are being met with low bail and I believe this piece of legislation could curb unnecessary violence by keeping career criminals off the streets.” The amendment would allow courts to consider the safety of the community. Both the Senate and Assembly have supported the constitutional amendment for two consecutive legislative sessions, which now requires the amendment to head to a state-wide vote of the Wisconsin electorate in the upcoming April election.
Rosendale Brandon School District Putting Referendum Questions Before Voters
Voters in the Rosendale-Brandon School District will have two referendum questions on the April Ballot. Voters turned down a referendum last April, but the District continues to have funding issues. The first question would ask voters to allow the District to exceed its revenue cap by $1.5 million a year for two years. A second question would allow the District to borrow $35.7 million to consolidate from four school buildings to two, creating a 4k-5 building at the current Rosendale Intermediate site and 6-12 building at the current Laconia High School location. Both buildings would see improvements and the district would also improve safety and security. The District plans to hold information sessions about the referendum. Last April voters turned down a $29.7 million referendum from the District.
Final Call For Longtime Markesan Firefighter
The Markesan Fire Department will hold a “Walk Through” and “Final Call” for Captain Dennis “Farmer “Grahn at 2pm Saturday afternoon at the fire station on North Margaret Street. Lunch will be served starting around noon. People are invited to stick around after the ceremony to listen to and share favorite stories. Grahn, a Ripon native, passed away Monday at the age of 65. He had been with the Grand River Fire Department since 1987 and served on the Markesan School Board for 42 years. A Memorial Service will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Markesan Saturday morning at 11 am followed by the luncheon and ceremony at the fire station.
Medical Marijuana
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says she has no objection to the state legislature approving the use of medical marijuana. Mueller says she doesn’t approve of the use of marijuana for recreational use, but she believes for medicinal use it could help people who suffer chronic pain or discomfort. She says it would of course be up to medical providers whether to prescribe it for a patient. She does feel however if medical marijuana is approved by state legislators that there should be an educational campaign to go along with it to make sure patients would know to keep it inaccessible to children. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia allow the use of medical marijuana. Wisconsin is among five states that have legalized the medical use of CBD oil.
The Greater Good
A member of the former Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says there’s no longer the push or the urgency for people to follow up on being vaccinated against the coronavirus. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says people were clamoring for a vaccine when it wasn’t available, but since then it is now a matter of freedom of choice. He feels getting properly vaccinated against COVID-19 or wearing a face mask isn’t as much about choice as a matter of the greater good. Puhlmann-Becker is among the minority of people who has gotten the initial series of shots and boosters. He says that’s where the U.S. has grown complacent because the percentage of people who received the first shot versus the series and boosters falls off dramatically. One estimate put the percentage that received that first shot at 80 percent of the population versus 15 percent of all people who got the initial shots and boosters.
Dallman Appointed To State Claims Board
State Representative Alex Dallman of Green Lake has been appointed to serve on the State of Wisconsin Claims Board by the Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair, Representative Mark Born. Dallman says he is looking forward to serving on the board and further diving into the inner workings of state government. The Claims Board was created in 1955 and is made up of five members which consist of designees from the Departments of Justice, Administration, Office of Governor, and from each of the JFC Co-Chairs. The Claims Board considers claims for general damages such as property loss, personal injury, vehicle accidents, licenses, permits, and taxes, as well as damages related to contracts with the State of Wisconsin. The board also considers petitions for compensation by innocent persons convicted of a crime, and requests for reissuance of state-dated state checks.
Film Showing In Green Lake Highlights Battle Over Rain Forest Deforestation
The Freeland U.S.A. Film Festival in Green Lake this weekend kicks off what it hopes will be the showing of a film every month that highlights environmental, land and wildlife conservation efforts, sustainability, or more. Evelyn Galster of Freeland says “The Territory” is an 83-minute documentary done for National Geographic. It is about an indigenous peoples’ battle over encroaching deforestation of the Rain Forest in Brazil. She says there will be a 1 pm showing Saturday in the Ballroom of the Green Lake Town Square. Doors open at 12:30 and it is a free showing. There will be a Q and A session following the film. She says today there will be a showing at the Green Lake School which could be a good way for children to learn how important the Rain Forest is to climate change. If you can’t make the matinee showing on Saturday, you can register online for a virtual showing. The film will be available online all of next week.
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