1/13/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
13 January 2023 News
Involuntary Intoxication Defense Motion Denied
A Winnebago County judge this week denied a second motion to consider an involuntary intoxication defense for a 20-year-old former Oshkosh West High School student who allegedly tried to stab the school’s resource officer to death. Grant Fuhrman’s attorney made the motion Wednesday but it was denied by Judge Daniel Bissett. That type of defense allows the defendant to claim they were involuntarily under the influence while committing a crime and are incapable of understanding the charges against them. Fuhrman is charged with attempted first degree intentional homicide for the incident that occurred at Oshkosh West High School on December 3rd of 2019. Fuhrman allegedly attacked Officer Michael Wissink at Wissink’s office at the high school with a barbecue fork. Wissink fought back shooting and wounding Fuhrman, which stopped the attack. A jury trial is scheduled to start on January 23rd; three weeks have been set aside for it.
Dodge County Pursuit Suspect Asks For Competency Evaluation
A competency hearing is scheduled next month for the 43-year-old Mazomanie woman who eluded Dodge County authorities after a traffic stop last August. Autumn Gernon was scheduled for a plea and sentencing hearing Wednesday, but her lawyer requested the competency hearing which is scheduled for February 16th. On August 23rd Gernon fled from a traffic stop on U.S. Highway 151 at Redwood Road in the Town of Trenton. Speeds reportedly reached 114 miles an hour during the pursuit. She eventually abandoned her vehicle in a cornfield on Milligan Road and fled on foot. A K-9 and drone unit were used in a search, but were unable to locate her. She was taken into custody two days later at a trailer park in Waupun.
Purloined Pomeranians Returned
The Green Lake County Crime Stoppers was responsible for solving a purloined pooch caper this week. Sometime on Sunday someone took four Pomeranian puppies and two adult Pomeranians from the yard of a residence in Dalton. A woman driving a white 2-door pick-up truck without a cap was suspected of taking them. But the story has a happy ending the four puppies and two adult Pomeranians were found and returned to their owner. The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office thanks residents for their assistance. If you see a suspicious incident or crime occur you can report it to the Green Lake County Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-GET THEM that’s 1-800-438-8436 or text GETTHEM at 847411. All callers remain anonymous and are eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 if the tip leads to an arrest.
Dodge County District Attorney Application Deadline
Today is the deadline for anyone interested in serving as Dodge County District Attorney to submit their application form and supporting materials to the Governor’s Office. District Attorney Kurt Klomberg is resigning and that resignation takes effect today. He says he has been provided an employment opportunity that is in his family’s best interests. The new District Attorney will serve out Klomberg’s term which ends in January of 2025. Those interested in applying should email a completed application form and supporting materials to the governor’s office by 5 pm today. The application is available on the “Apply to Serve” page of the governor’s website.
RAFD Forensic Audit
The President of the Ripon Area Fire District Governing Board says a forensic audit will help them learn where the money for a large sum in a money market account came from and what it is meant for. Ellen Sorensen says she discovered the account after becoming board president. She says an annual audit doesn’t go far enough and a forensic audit will take a deep dive into the financials of the district. She says if that money came from tax levies, grant money or bequests they need to know that and what it is restricted for. She says if it is levy and shouldn’t be carried over. She says the District also needs some internal controls on its financials.
Waupun Aldermanic Vacancy

The City of Waupun is seeking applicants for the Aldermanic District 6 vacancy created by the death of longtime Alderperson Nancy Vanderkin last month. You must be at least 18 years old and reside in that district which you can verify by calling City Clerk Angie Hull at 920-324-7915. Candidates should submit a brief summary of their interest in serving, full name, address and date of birth to the City Clerk. Summaries may be delivered in-person or by mailing them: Attention City Clerk Angie Hull, 201 East Main Street, Waupun, Wisconsin 53963. You can also fax them to 920-324-3980 or email angie@cityofwaupun.org. There will be a background check and interested persons will be required to appear before the Common Council at their Tuesday, February 14th meeting at 6 pm. Letters of interest should be submitted to the City Clerk no later than 4 pm on February 7th.
Oshkosh Housing Program Presentation
The city of Oshkosh offers loans and incentives designed to encourage home improvements, home ownership, and investing in eligible Oshkosh housing stock. An in-person presentation will be held at the Oshkosh Convention Center on Wednesday, January 25th at 5:30 pm to highlight the various programs. A strong, diverse stock of affordable housing is important to Oshkosh’s economic health and quality of life. Those who plan to attend the presentation are asked to register their attendance in advance by calling Anne Schaefer at 920-232-5306. City staff will be introducing further details on the available programs.
Emergency Order Rescues Oshkosh Shelter
Winnebago County stepped in around the Christmas season to provide staffing for the Day By Day Warming Shelter in Oshkosh when they were short-staffed. County Supervisors approved an emergency order to help out the nonprofit homeless shelter at St. Peter’s Church. County Supervisor Jacob Floam says it was something they needed to do to protect people without shelter from the elements. He says it’s not something they can afford to do too long because the county itself has some staffing issues which is why they put a February 28th sunset date on the order. Floam says it should work out because soon the shelter will have a new building and Day By Day recently restarted their operation.
Green Lake County Represented At Fairest of the Fair Competition

Green Lake County Fairest of the Fair Sadie Goettl wrapped up her reign competing in the Wisconsin Fairest of the Fair 2023 competition this week. She was one of 36 contestants. Emily Strahota is Green Lake County’s Fairest of the Fair coordinator. She says Sadie did a very good job representing the county at the finals. She says there are very proud of Sadie. One of the highlights for Sadie was putting together a basket of local products to auction off. Her basket included a one-night stay at the Heidel House, Knuth Brewing Company Beer, a sign from a local sign maker, and more. Strahota says it was one of the top-selling baskets. She says Sadie is attending the U-W Madison and she has no doubt wherever her future takes her Sadie will do well. Green Lake County is looking for their next Fairest of the Fair those who are interested can contact Strahota by calling her work number 920-745-3500 or emailing her at glcfairambassador@gmail.com. Sharlene Swedlund representing the Green County Fair was crowned 2023 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fair.
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