12/8/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
8 December 2022 News
Driver Identified In Fatal Outagamie County Crash
The State Patrol has identified a driver killed in a crash on Interstate 41 northbound at Wrightstown Road in Outagamie County late Monday morning. Fifty-eight-year-old Todd Kagelmann was killed in the fiery crash near Wrightstown. His vehicle was heading north when it left the roadway and rolled over several times. It became engulfed in flames. Kagelmann was unable to get out the vehicle and died. He was wearing a seatbelt. Assisting at the scene were Kaukauna Fire & EMS, the Outagamie County Sheriff’s Office, and other local law enforcement agencies.
Hobart-Lawrence Police Officer Accidentally Shot During Vehicle Pursuit
A Hobart-Lawrence Police officer accidentally shot himself during a chase and standoff incident on Highway 29 west of Green Bay Wednesday afternoon. The officer is 36-years-old and a 7-year veteran of the police department. Police say they were asked to check on the welfare of a 30-year-old Hobart man in the morning but he wasn’t spotted until about 1 pm. That led to a short chase which ended near Brown County Highway FF when the man stopped and barricaded himself in his vehicle. When officers were trying to get the man stopped an officer’s gun discharged. He was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The shooting will be investigated by the Brown County Sheriff’s Office. Police have had previous contact with the Hobart man they were pursuing.
Weyauwega Car Break-ins

The Weyauwega Police Department is looking for the public’s help in finding two thieves who broke into a vehicle and stole items that were in it. Police checked video surveillance from businesses and homes in the area. They are now asking residents and business owners to check their video surveillance from 12 midnight to 1 am Wednesday for any suspicious activity. If any is found contact the Weyauwega Police Department. One of the suspects was wearing a yellow-colored sweatshirt with a front pocket and the second was wearing a black-colored jacket or hooded sweatshirt. They were younger men approximately 5 foot 9 inches and six feet tall. Police would also like to know if your vehicle was entered even if nothing was taken. Their phone number is 920-867-4141.
COVID Testing
Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services is encouraging residents to access COVID-19 self-tests and treatment. The state saw an uptick in cases during the colder months in both 2020 and 2021. Self-tests can be ordered each month on the Say Yes! COVID Test website. Residents are entitled to one free test kit that contains five rapid antigen COVID-19 tests. Households can place an order for test kits starting the first of every month. COVID-19 Community Levels in Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago counties are low. The DHS says none of Wisconsin’s 72 counties has a high level, but 21 have moderate levels, and the other 51 have low levels.
Home – Say Yes! To Covid Test (sayyescovidhometest.org)
Three Oshkosh Companies Receive Vets Ready Awards
Three Oshkosh companies were recently recognized with Gold Awards through the Vets Ready initiative. The initiative encourages employers to establish a support system within their workplace, hire and retain more veterans, and connect with veterans in the community and their families. Businesses are separated into three categories and either receive a gold or silver certification. For 2022 the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development honored 10 employers statewide for their achievements in highlighting the importance of veterans in the state’s workforce. Winners from Oshkosh were; 4IMPRINT, Kingsbury, and Oshkosh Corporation which employs more than 1,100 veterans.
Press Release: Gov. Evers, DWD Recognize Exemplary Veterans Employers (govdelivery.com)
Boys and Girls Club of the Tri-County Area Holiday Telethon Tonight

On first look it may appear that the Boys and Girls Club of the Tri-County Area facility in Berlin is closed today, but looks can be deceiving. It is closed but that’s because staff and Board of Directors members are preparing for the Club’s 3rd Annual Holiday Telethon that will run from 5 to 8 pm this evening. Angie Evans is the Marketing Coordinator for the Club. She says the board takes an active role in the telethon. Each year the board members are encouraged to wear costumes befitting the theme for the telethon which this year is “A Christmas Story.” Special Events and Marketing Director Ashley Bartol says money raised during the telethon is designated as “unrestricted” so it can be used for whatever purpose immediately. She says that will help them put together care packages for kids that might be left on their own during the holidays while their parents are working. The number to call to make a donation tonight is 920-658-5225.
Shop With A Cop Tonight
Tonight at the Walmart in Fond du Lac officials from across the law enforcement spectrum will set aside their regular duties for a special assignment. They will be taking kids from across Fond du Lac County shopping for Christmas gifts during the annual “Shop with a Cop” program. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says kids that come from families that have been struggling or suffered an unexpected loss will be treated to shopping for their families, paired up with those law enforcement professionals. He says the kids will also get gifts and be treated to a meal. He says in addition to monetary donations the program receives other donations including some winter wardrobe for the children. Waldschmidt says for the law enforcement officials, it’s a chance to step out from behind a badge, judge’s robe or other professional garb and give the children a different perception of who they are. Ripon Police, Fire, and EMS held a similar event earlier this week.
Generous Donations To Angel Tree In Wautoma

Wautoma Police this week dropped off toys from their angel tree to the Waushara County Holiday Project. Their elves were working overtime at the World War II building in Wautoma. Thanks to generous donations at the Angel tree over 600 kids will be receiving gifts. Wautoma Police says they appreciate the work the Waushara Area Chamber of Commerce and Waushara County Food Pantry does in connection with the project. Tomorrow from 10 am to 1 pm and 2:30 to 6:30 pm, families will line up to receive the gifts at Hope Lutheran Church. Drivers should anticipate some traffic congestion in that area during those pickup times.
Ripon Native Performing At Thrasher Opera House Tonight

The Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake hosts a performance by Ripon native Rachel Icenogle tonight at 7:30. She is a cellist and composer based in Calabria, Italy. Her latest album “Morimus” was released last month. Rachel is the daughter of Thrasher sound technician Riley Icenogle. Thrasher Executive Director Rachael Avery says they heard she was going to be doing a concert in Milwaukee to support her new album and invited her to play at the Thrasher. Avery says Icenogle does a looping technique which gives her cello a unique layered sound. Avery says she will probably also have some stories to tell because the Thrasher promotes more of a close relationship between the artists and the audience. Tickets are just $15 and are available by calling the Thrasher box office at 920-294-4279 or by visiting the Thrasher’s website.
Sbowe – Rachel Icenogle – Thrasher Opera House
Lights of Love Tree Lighting
SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring its 35th annual “Lights of Love” program, a living memorial or tribute to friends, relatives or dedicated citizens of the community. Proceeds from this year’s project will help to fund a cardiac ultrasound probe used by anesthetists to perform in-depth cardiac assessments prior to surgery. It can also be used in the emergency department to quickly evaluate life-threatening injuries. Lights of Love provide the opportunity for individuals, groups, or businesses to purchase lights in honor or memory of loved ones for a gift of $5 or more. Due to COVID-19, the tree lighting event will not be held this year. However, the tree at Ripon Community Hospital will be lit this evening with a list of names for light purchases to be published in the Ripon Commonwealth Press. Donations forms are available at the hospital information desk and gift shop.
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