12/28/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
28 December 2022 News
Two Semis Involved In Dodge County Crash
Dodge County Sheriff’s officials say two semis heading north on State Highways 16 and 26 were involved in a crash at the intersection of County Highway CJ in the Town of Clyman Tuesday afternoon. It happened about 1:44 pm. Investigators learned a 46-year-old Florida man was driving a Volvo Semi and was turning east onto County Highway CJ. A 57-year-old Horicon man driving a Freightliner Semi struck the trailer of the Volvo. That caused significant damage to the Volvo’s trailer and the front of the Freightliner. The Horicon man suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to Marshfield Medical Clinic in Beaver Dam. The Florida man was not injured.
Payne Appointed DNR Secretary

Sheboygan County Administrator Adam Payne will have a new job come next Tuesday. Governor Tony Evers has appointed Payne the state’s new Department of Natural Resources Secretary. Payne, a Plymouth native, takes over for retiring secretary Preston D. Cole. Evers says Payne is “an outdoorsman, a conservationist, and has been a strong, successful leader for Sheboygan County.” Payne previously served as executive director of the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association. He’s also served with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
New Green Lake County Administrator Hits The Ground Running
Green Lake County Supervisors had a chance to find out more about the county’s new administrator during their board meeting this month. County Supervisor Luke Dretske says Cate Wylie is a Ripon College graduate who has experience in the public and private sector, her latest stint was as a Human Resources coordinator for Lincoln County. She also worked prior to that in the Human Resources field for private companies. Dretske says Wylie has hit the ground running and is already working on finance and other issues the county needs to address. He says their former Green Lake County Administrator Catherine Schmit made an error that cost the county shared revenue from the state. He says Wylie is working on ways to remedy that situation as well.
Unemployment Rates Down
Unemployment levels for area counties dropped slightly from October to the end of November. According to Federal Labor statistics, jobless rates were down two to three-tenths of a percent. Dodge and Fond du Lac counties had unemployment rates of 2.2 percent in November, and Winnebago County was at 2.3 percent. For Waupaca County the jobless rate was at 2.5 percent, for Waushara County it was 2.8 percent, and for Green Lake County it was at 3 percent. The City of Fond du Lac had an unemployment rate of 2.4 percent last month and the City of Oshkosh 2.5 percent. Jobless rates decreased or stayed the same in 57 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties during November.
Green Lake County Life Saving Efforts Recognized

During last week’s Green Lake County Board meeting several individuals were recognized for saving the lives of Board Supervisor Dennis Mulder and Princeton Fire Chief Ernest Pulvermacher who suffered heart attacks. Deputy Michael Majeskie received a Letter of Commendation and a challenge coin for his action regarding Fire Chief Pulvermacher. Dr. Barry Rogers, Maintenance Supervisor Scott Weir, and Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk received Letters of Recognition and challenge coins for their effort in saving Supervisor Mulder. Bill Johnson of Responder Services near Berlin provided the new AEDS that were purchased with the tremendous support of the community. A new AED was placed immediately adjacent to the County Board Room, and all Sheriff’s squads are outfitted with new AEDs. The Sheriff’s Office encourages residents to take a CPR/AED course.
Working On Programs For Entrepreneurs
The Director of Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Envision Greater Fond du Lac says they will continue to tweak their offerings for new and existing entrepreneurs in 2023. Raina Lyman says they staged Entrepreneur Socials this past year that went over very well and will continue to do so next year hoping to offer one in Ripon as well. They also identified a need for a burnout prevention program and will work to develop a curriculum for that. They will consult with professionals to put that together. One other thing they are working on for entrepreneurs is a financial literacy program.
EAA AirVenture Tickets Available
Tickets are on sale now for the 70th edition of EAA AirVenture and the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual gathering at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh. The 2023 AirVenture will be from July 24th through July 30th. EAA CEO and Chairman of the Board Jack Pelton says next summer they will be celebrating 70 years of “Dreamers and Doers.” Again in 2023 all attendees ages 18 and under are admitted free, supported in part by The Boeing Company. In addition, EAA members who purchase admissions prior to June 15th are eligible to receive their admission wristbands in advance via the Express Arrival program. Early purchase discounts are also available on both daily and weekly admissions. Tickets will be available at the gate during the event or in advance online.
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