12/2/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
2 December 2022 News
Waupun Man Charged For Vehicle Chase
Bond has been set at $100,000 cash for a 57-year-old Waupun man involved in several crashes and a high-speed chase in Fond du Lac last Friday night. Donald Perrote made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court on the four felony and four misdemeanor charges stemming from the chase that saw him hit four vehicles including a Sheriff’s squad car during the pursuit. Eventually he was arrested at gunpoint. He will be arraigned next Thursday. Charges include 2nd degree recklessly endangering safety, bail jumping, battery to a law enforcement officer, fleeing an officer, hit and run, and three counts of criminal damage to property.
Audit Of Dodge County Election Equipment Proves Its Accuracy
Dodge County Clerk Karen Gibson says election equipment used in last’s month election was spot on in the five municipalities chosen for random auditing by the Wisconsin Elections Commission. The audit was conducted during the first three days of this week. Municipalities chosen for the random audit were wards 1,2,4 and 16 in Beaver Dam, Town of Lomira wards 1 and 2, Town of Lowell ward 1, and the Villages of Neosho and Randolph. All told 2,803 ballots were cast in those wards. Votes were tallied by hand and Gibson says she’s pleased that the votes tallied by hand matched the election equipment tally for election night from all five municipalities. Gibson says that proves the accuracy of the election system.
Rail Strike Would Have Been Disastrous
Congressman Glenn Grothman says he voted Wednesday for a bill that would help avert a major rail strike that would cripple the economy heading into the holidays. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says he was surprised that a number of Republicans voted against the bill simply because Nancy Pelosi and Democrats voted for it. Eight of the 12 railroad workers unions involved in the voting for new contracts were willing to settle. Grothman says it would have been a catastrophe for store shelves to be empty during the Christmas season because goods couldn’t be supplied by rail. The U.S. Senate approved the bill on Thursday. The U.S. Senate approved the bill on Thursday. Senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin both voted in favor in favor of the bill.
Dickens Of A Christmas
In a way the activities surrounding Dickens of a Christmas weekend in Ripon are like ornaments on a Christmas tree because everyone seems to have one, two or more favorites. One of today’s highlights is the Holiday Parade of Lights at 6:30 pm with Coca and Caroling on the Village Green afterwards. Saturday brings the Tour of Homes. Tickets for that are available at Webster’s Marketplace, Ripon Drug, and online. Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Mandy Kimes says one of the locations for the tour is the Chamber’s new location in the Carnegie Building. The Dress-a-Doll and Gingerbread House contests can be pretty competitive. In addition to the Tour of Homes, the Ripon Historical Society will have an open house. The Enchanted Forest will be inside Horicon Bank. Saturday night brings “Living Windows” with a “Christmas Characters” theme. For a complete list of activities visit the Chamber’s website.
Dickens 2022 | Ripon Chamber of Commerce (ripon-wi.com)
Dickens Parking Reminders
Ripon Police are hoping visitors to the city will enjoy Dickens of a Christmas events this weekend, but do have a few reminders to pass along. No parking will be allowed in the downtown section of Watson Street from 6 pm tonight until the parade is done, and on Saturday evening so people can enjoy the “Living Windows” events. Police are cautioning drivers that there will be pedestrian traffic in the entire downtown area. So in the words of Tiny Tim, “God Bless us everyone!”
Two More Performances Of The Thanksgiving Play

Thanksgiving maybe over but there is still time to catch the Ripon College production of “The Thanksgiving Play” in the Benstead Theatre, C.J. Rodman Center of the Arts. There are two remaining performances of the dark comedy by Native American author Larissa FastHorse tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30. Doors open at 7 pm. The cast is comprised of four Ripon College students. Director Lillian Brown says in the play, good intentions collide when terminally “woke” teaching artists devise a play to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Month. A group of white actors try to make a politically correct Thanksgiving play which is respectful towards Native Americans. But things go awry. Brown says the subject matter is very timely. Admission is free but if you would like to reserve seats call 920-748-8791.
Thanksgiving play examines Native American issues Nov. 30 through Dec. 3 | Ripon College
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