12/10/22 Oshkosh Chamber Singers Presenting Lessons and Carols
10 December 2022 News
OSHKOSH — “A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols,” an Oshkosh tradition for more than 30 years, will be presented Saturday, Dec. 17, by the Oshkosh Chamber Singers.
Two performances will be presented at 2 and 5 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, Algoma Boulevard at Division Street.
Accompanied by pipe organ and brass ensemble, the Oshkosh Chamber Singers will join with members of the community in song and Scripture readings celebrating the Advent and Christmas story. Musical selections will include traditional carols; works by Dan Forrest, John Rutter and Randall Thompson; and “O Magnum Msterium,” by Morton Lauridsen, “Sleep Softly Now,” by Ian Assersohn, and “His Light in Us,” by Kim André Arnesen.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students in advance. They are available from singers, at Heid Music, 1750 W. South Park Ave.; or Gardina’s, 448 N. Main Street. Tickets also will be available at the door for $20 for adult tickets and $5 for students. More information is available at oshkoshchambersingers.org or by calling 920-312-8290.
Herb Berendsen is the music director and Jared Stellmacher is the organist.
A brass quintet will feature Marty Robinson, trumpet, Matt Granatella, trumpet, Bruce Atwell, horn, Andy Zipperer, trombone, and Eric High, trombone.
The spring concert will feature Haydn’s “The Creation” on April 2, 2023, at Most Blessed Sacrament Church, St. Mary site.
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