12/1/22 ATV and UTV Use in Ripon Starting
1 December 2022 News
Today has been targeted as the first day the City of Ripon will allow the use of ATV and UTVs on city streets. Thanks to local ATV clubs signs were purchased and posted reminding those entering the city that ATV and UTVs can be used on city streets except unless posted. Operators must have a valid driver’s license; every ATV and UTV must have proper registration and follow all ATV and UTV laws and ordinances. No parking is allowed in the 100, 200, or 300 blocks of Watson Street. Hours of operation are 7 am to 9 pm. A copy of the complete ordinance is available on the city’s website. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the Common Council this week the city would post when ATV and UTV traffic would be allowed on city streets, but had targeted December 1st as the starting date. (Ripon Police Department photo).
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