11/7/22 Ribbon Cutting At Abestin Health Insurance
7 November 2022 News
Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac hosted a ribbon cutting at member organization, Abestin Health Insurance, to commemorate their grand opening.
Abestin Health Insurance works to educate and enroll people in Medicare and Marketplace. They work closely with individuals to determine the feasibility of retiring early if possible. Wendy Sell, owner, is an independent Wisconsin health insurance agent and advisor. She serves individuals and families in Northeast Wisconsin.
“Abestin Health Insurance is here to help make decisions about health insurance a healthy experience,” Sell, owner, said. “I know these decisions can be trying and difficult. My goal is to ease that pain and find the best insurance that fits the needs of my clients.”
Abestin Health Insurance is located at 295 N. Main Street in Fond du Lac. To learn more, including, options and appointments, please visit them online.
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