11/7/22 Mandela Barnes Running For US Senate
7 November 2022 News
U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes is engaged in a close race with incumbent Senator Ron Johnson. Barnes, who currently serves as Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor, says the scales are tipped toward the wealthy with companies and corporations making record profits during soaring inflation. Barnes says if he is elected, he will fight for a middle-class tax cut. He also feels that Roe versus Wade should have remained the law of the land when it comes to a woman’s reproductive rights. He also says we need Universal Health Care that is accessible to all. Barnes, who chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, also feels there are opportunities for new jobs in the Green Energy Field while also making progress toward doing something about climate change. He says he would bring a new perspective to the nation’s capital and be a vote for the future. Prior to becoming Lieutenant Governor Barnes served two terms in the State Assembly. (Mandela Barnes campaign photo)
To hear an interview with Mandela Barnes click here.
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