11/7/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
7 November 2022 News
Fox Lake Man Facing Child Porn Possession Charges
Ten counts of possession of child pornography have been brought against a 65-year-old Fox Lake man. According to the criminal complaint Dodge County Sheriff’s detectives received an online tip last month that Robert Kratofil had allegedly uploaded illicit content to a web search engine. A search warrant was executed at his residence last Tuesday and a computer was seized. Forensic examiners with the state’s Department of Justice found multiple images of child porn on the device. Kratofil allegedly admitted to possessing the images and to his guilt. Kratofil posted a $5,000 cash bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for December 8th.
Highway Ramp Closure In FDL
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us beginning today the southbound US Highway 151 off-ramp to State Highway 23 in Fond du Lac will be closed to traffic and will remain closed for 14 days to widen the southbound US Highway 151 off ramp to State Highway 23. A detour has been established. Drivers on southbound US Highway 151 wanting to exit onto State Highway 23 should continue south and exit at the County Highway V off-ramp and take northbound Highway 151 to the State Highway 23 exit. The work being done over the next two weeks is the final piece of a 19.1-mile expansion of State Highway 23 to a four-lane highway from US Highway 151 in Fond du Lac east to County Highway P in Sheboygan County.
United Way Children’s Programs
The President of the Board of Directors for the Ripon Area United Way says they look for opportunities to help fund services that benefit the community. He says one way of doing that is by funding efforts that allow children to develop educationally. That’s included funding for the Ripon Reads and Dolly Parton Imagination Library programs. But they also help fund a couple of preschools which allows parents to work with the knowledge that their child is at a place where they will learn and develop skills they will need in life. He says their participation in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library has provided thousands of books to children in the Ripon Area, thus allowing those kids to develop reading skills and an appreciation for literature. Since 2015 the program has provided 23,762 books to children in the Ripon Area. There are currently 239 kids in the program and 476 more aged out of it once they hit the age of 5. To give to the Ripon Area United Way send money or checks to Ripon Area United Way, P.O. Box 71, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 or you can donate at their website Ripon Area United Way.org.
Ag Ambassador Program Back On Track
Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Ag Ambassador in the Classroom program is teaching thousands of kids inside and outside of the county about where their food is coming from. Amy Ries is the Director of Agricultural Programs for Envision. She says during the pandemic they couldn’t get into classrooms, but the program is back on track and from September through December they will have seen thousands of kids in classrooms. Ries says some kids they see grow up on a farm and have a pretty good idea about what goes on there, but the majority of kids they see in classrooms grow up in the city and aren’t as familiar about agriculture. She says they all end up learning something by the time they are done. The program benefits from fundraisers like Envision’s Holiday Gift Box program which runs through November 27th. More details about that are available on the Envision website.
Brooks Elected To WPPI Executive Committee
Waupun Utilities General Manager Steve Brooks has been elected to a three-year term on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for WPPI Energy, the community’s not-for-profit power supplier. Waupun Utilities is a member-owner of WPPI, a joint action agency serving 51 locally owned electric utilities. Brooks has represented Waupun Utilities on the WPPI board since 2020. On September 16th the WPPI board elected him to the organization’s 11-member executive committee, which oversees WPPI operations and programs. Waupun Utilities is a municipally owned and operated electric and water utility, serving more than 4,000 customers in Waupun.
Change In Speakers For EAA Event
Mike and Mark Patey, identical twins who hold multiple world speed records between them, are this year’s featured guests at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual Wright Brothers Memorial Banquet on Friday, December 9th, at the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh. The brothers are replacing Top Gun: Maverick Aerial Coordinator Kevin LaRosa II, who is no longer able to commit to speaking due to a scheduling conflict. Tickets for the event are currently available at the EAA Aviation Museum website. Attendance is limited to 350. The banquet honors the Wright brothers’ successful flights at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17th, 1903, that began the era of manned flight. Tickets for the event are $70 for EAA members and $95 for nonmembers. Doors open on December 9th at 5 pm, with the dinner starting at 6:30, and the presentation immediately following dinner.
Caregiver Appreciation Day Scheduled In Waushara County
The Waushara County Department of Aging has chosen Monday, November 28th to honor and thank informal caregivers for all that they do for others during Caregiver Appreciation Day. It will be held at the Stahl Celebration Center in Wautoma from 10:30 am to 1 pm. The theme for the event is “Celebrate the Passions That Enrich Your Life.” The event will begin with speaker Carmela Mulroe sharing “Adventures with Dad-the Lighter Side of Caregiving.” Carmela cared for her father who lived out-of-state. Mary Ann Schilling, UW Extension Educator will lead an exercise titled “Stepping Away with Mindfulness.” After the presentations, attendees are invited to enjoy a provided box lunch with conversation with other caregivers or may take the lunch to go. To reserve your place and lunch call Martha Bechard at 920-787-0403 by Monday, November 21st.
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