11/18/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
18 November 2022 News
Two Killed In Columbia County Crash
Two people were killed when their passenger car was hit by a pickup truck in Columbia County’s Town of Lowville last night. It happened at the intersection of County Highway B and Hagan Road. When Sheriff’s deputies arrived they determined the pickup truck driver was not injured, but a passenger in the car was dead. Life-saving measures were performed on the car’s driver, but they were unsuccessful. All three people were from the Rio area. Investigators say the passenger car lost traction on the snow and ice-covered road and spun out of control in front of the pickup truck that was traveling in the opposite direction. The pickup truck struck the passenger car in the passenger side doors.
NFDL Man Charged In Drug Overdose Death

A 40-year-old North Fond du Lac man is charged with first degree reckless homicide delivering drugs and first degree recklessly endangering safety for the drug overdose death of a Town of Lamartine man this past June 11th. Jeremy Stoll made his initial court appearance in Fond du Lac County court Wednesday. Bond was set at $250,000 cash and a preliminary hearing is scheduled on December 2nd. According to the criminal complaint Sheriff’s investigators were able to establish a connection between Stoll and the victim 37-year-old Russell Barton through Facebook chats the two carried on about drug transactions between the two. Seventy-one messages were sent on Facebook Messenger. The last message from Stoll to the victim was on the day Barton died asking, “Where You At?” An autopsy determined Barton died of cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine toxicity and the manner of death was accidental.
Omro Man Found Guilty Of Double Murder
A Winnebago County jury found a 54-year-old Omro man guilty of shooting and killing Lavar Wallace and Melissa Matz at Andrew Clark’s home on Elo Road on October 21st, 2020. Wednesday the jury found Clark guilty of two counts of first-degree intentional homicide. Sentencing is scheduled on January 17th. During a press conference in October of 2020 Sheriff John Matz said Clark called 911 claiming someone had broken into the home, set a fire and his wife wasn’t breathing. Investigators believe an argument over missing money prompted the shootings. Later Clark asked Michael Draine of Hudson, Iowa to help him clean a bar where there were surveillance cameras to try and establish an alibi. Draine told authorities he originally provided an alibi because he feared for his life. He was charged with aiding a felon, but that charge was later dropped.
FDL Death Investigation
Police in Fond du Lac executed a search warrant Wednesday in the first block of East Merrill Avenue and arrested a 57-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of killing Jacqueline Jo Rooney. He is being held in the Fond du Lac County Jail. Charges of first-degree intentional homicide and resisting or obstructing police have been referred to the District Attorney’s Office. The 51-year-old woman’s body was discovered in her home on East Merrill Avenue when police were asked to do a welfare check last Saturday. The investigation is continuing and anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Kristina Meilahn at 920-322-3713 or if you wish to remain anonymous to call the Crime Alert line at 920-322-3740.
Fall River Man Bound Over For Trial On Attempted Murder Charge
The 17-year-old Fall River man charged with attempted first degree intentional homicide for stabbing and running over a girl in Beaver Dam last month waived his right to a preliminary hearing this week. The hearing for Dylan Lenz was held in Dodge County court Tuesday. According to the criminal complaint Dylan Lenz told investigators he had been entertaining thoughts of “murdering people.” Police were called to the Walmart parking lot on October 15th for a hit and run. The victim suffered critical and life-threatening injuries and was taken to the UW Children’s Hospital in Madison. Lenz told investigators he stabbed her in the right shoulder with a box cutter and when she got out of his vehicle he chased after her running over her when she tripped and fell. Lenz will be arraigned on the attempted murder charge on January 4th.
Waukesha Christmas Parade Resolution
Wednesday Wisconsin Senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin introduced a resolution recognizing the one-year anniversary of the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre. The resolution recognizes the resiliency and strength of the community of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and honors the six Wisconsinites who were murdered and the 62 others who were injured during the horrific attack on November 21st, 2021. Senator Johnson says the massacre never should have happened. He says the resolution was a way of remembering those who were killed, injured and forever impacted by the senseless act of violence. Senator Baldwin says she is proud to co-lead the resolution to honor the victims, first responders and the impacted community members.
Holiday Shopping Advice
With the holiday shopping season upon us Green Lake County Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk has some helpful advice about keeping your gifts and packages safe. He says door-bell cameras not only discourage porch pirates but help secure your home. He notes apps are also available now that allow you to raise and close your garage doors if you are expecting a delivery but don’t want to leave it outdoors where it can be seen. He says when you’re shopping sage advice is to never leave packages in your vehicle where they can be seen, stash them in your trunk, park in a well-lit area if you’re shopping after dark. He also recommends shopping with a friend or relative because you are less likely that way to be attacked by a thief.
Popping Up A Surprise

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday surprised a woman with two big bags of her favorite gourmet popcorn. Rest assured Marilyn Drake more than earned the treat. With the cold weather upon us, there are children who are in need of winter clothing to stay warm. Drake has been doing something about that for 17 years. Since 2005 she has donated hats and scarves she has crocheted for kids that participate in the County’s Shop with a Cop program. Every year she has been asked how the Sheriff’s Office can recognize her for her generosity, and she has always replied that she hopes her generosity inspires other to follow in her footsteps. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says the two big bags of gourmet popcorn were a small gesture of appreciation for what she has done.
Last Day For Ripon Roar Days
It’s the last day to give in the Ripon Education Foundation’s Ripon Roar Days fundraiser. The Foundation will continue taking donations toward the grants and scholarships it awards but after midnight they will not be counted toward Ripon Roar Days, except for those sent out in the mail and postmarked by the 18th. Organizers of the fundraiser set a goal of 250 donors and the number seemed reachable by the end of Thursday. Ripon School Board member Betsy Heffernan is a Ripon Schools graduate. She says Ripon Roars is a wonderful way to give back if you are a product of the school district or want to contribute toward education. Sue Mokler is Alumni Chair for the fundraiser and a former teacher in the district. She says the teaching grants the Foundation awards are a great vehicle for things that the regular school budget would not consider. To donate during Ripon Roar Days go to the Foundation’s website or send your donation to P.O. Box 395, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971.
Lions Clubs Offer Holiday Help
The Rosendale and Eldorado Lions Clubs are looking for people that are in need of assistance for the holidays. Anyone in the area that needs some help should contact a Lions Club member. All calls will be kept strictly confidential. If you are in need this holiday season, contact a Lions Club member by December 10th.. Lions Club members you can call are LaDonne Smith at 920-872-2912, Marcie Waterworth at 920-872-2756, and Mary Sippel at 920-922-3289. The Lions Clubs want to ensure that everyone can enjoy the holiday season
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