11/16/22 Ripon Roar Fundraiser Making Progress
16 November 2022 News
For its 25th Anniversary year the Ripon Education Foundation set a goal of 250 donors during its Ripon Roar Days fundraiser this week. They’ve made some progress and were over a third of the way there with 80 donors Tuesday morning. The Foundation provides scholarships each spring and awards grants to teachers for special learning opportunities for students. Ripon Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock says during their Senior Recognition Night last spring she was impressed with just how many students benefitted from the Foundation’s scholarships. SSM Health donated $5,000 to the Foundation. Dawn Vandenberg is the Mission Integration Director for SSM Health. She says they donated because they were impressed with the District’s Suicide Prevention program “Sources of Strength.” To donate during Ripon Roar Days go to the Foundation’s website or send your donation to P.O. Box 395, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971. (In the photo: (L to R) Dr. Mary Whitrock, Dr. Matt Doll and Dawn Vandenberg)
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