11/15/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
15 November 2022 News
Snow White Trumpeter Swan Shot In FDL County
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is investigating the shooting of a snow-white trumpeter swan Saturday morning in Fond du Lac County. Conservation Warden Bill Hankee says his investigation is just beginning. He says the Sheriff’s office took the initial complaint from a hunter who saw a group of hunters shooting at a big white bird. The bird was killed and its body was taken to the Sheriff’s office for storage in a freezer. The young hunter from Fond du Lac who shot the bird admitted it to Sheriff’s deputies. The hunter thought the bird was a snow goose. But Hankee says trumpeter swans are much larger than snow geese. He says they believe the swan was part of a nesting pair in the area. Hankee commends the hunter who reported the incident because otherwise they would never have known about it. (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources photo)
COVID 19 Testing At Ripon College Ending
Next Monday will be the final day for COVID-19 testing at Ripon College. The site will be open from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Fond du Lac County Health Department officials say they are grateful to the college and community for hosting the testing since September. Free COVID-19 testing will continue to take place at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Center meeting room with the entrance to the left of the main doors. Testing is now walk-through for the cooler months and is available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 4:30 pm. No testing will take place on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th in observance of Thanksgiving. No appointments, insurance or identification is required. The testing site uses COVID Connect 2. If it is your first time receiving a test at the site you will need to create an account on the COVID Connect 2 website.
Covid Connect 2 – Patient (wi.gov)
Public Safety First Priority During High Speed Pursuit
The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office recently participated in a multi-county pursuit of a 30-year-old man who was fleeing from law enforcement. The November 3rd chase started in Dane County, went through Columbia and Green Lake counties, and ultimately ended with the man’s arrest in Marquette County. Green Lake County Sheriff’s deputies assisted in taking the man into custody. Green Lake County Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk says while capturing the man who was reportedly suicidal and had a firearm was the goal, keeping the public safe from that fleeing vehicle was a top priority. Vande Kolk says a high speed chase is one of the most difficult situations they have to deal with because of the inherent danger to the public, law enforcement officers, and the offender.
Ripon Education Foundation Ripon Roar Days Underway

The Ripon Education Foundation has come a long way since it was founded 25 years ago. Since 1997 the Foundation has awarded $1.4 million in grants and scholarships. Foundation Board of Directors President Jeanne Williams says it began with only five board members but now boasts 19, with 2 ex-official members, and two Ripon College interns. The foundation awards grants to teachers who have proposals for unique learning opportunities for students, gives to the FBLA for students attending nationals, has supported the Lego League, funded a student’s participation in a forensic competition and more. This week the Foundation’s Ripon Roar Days fundraiser is going on. Donations are encouraged on the Foundations website or by sending them to P.O. Box 395, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971.
Ripon Education Foundation Home Page
Algoma Boulevard Reopening In Oshkosh
Oshkosh officials say Algoma Boulevard between Wisconsin Street and Congress Avenue should be fully re-open to traffic this Friday morning. Due to material delays and private utility scheduling conflicts, the opening of Algoma Boulevard has been delayed from its original completion date. High Avenue traffic will also return to one-way traffic on Friday in conjunction with the Algoma Boulevard re-opening. Signs have been posted along High Avenue to notify motorists of the traffic pattern changes.
Being Aware Of Isolation And Loneliness
Governor Evers recently declared this week as Social Isolation & Loneliness Awareness Week in Wisconsin to bring attention to the growing challenges and new initiatives to support people in Wisconsin communities. In the U.S. 40 percent of people who have a disability and 43 percent of those age 65 or older say they feel lonely some or all of the time. According to a 2020 AARP Foundation report, two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are experiencing social isolation. Carolyn Schmidt of the Waushara County Department of Aging also is a member of the Wisconsin Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness which is trying to find community-based solutions. She says as a start, the group encourages people to reach out to those who are isolated and may be lonely, not just during the holidays but throughout the year.
Lights Of Love Program
SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring its 35th annual “Lights of Love” program, a living memorial or tribute to friends, relatives or dedicated citizens of the community. Proceeds from this year’s project will help to fund a cardiac ultrasound probe used by anesthetists to perform in-depth cardiac assessments prior to surgery. It can also be used in the emergency department to quickly evaluate life-threatening injuries. Lights of Love provide the opportunity for individuals, groups, or businesses to purchase lights in honor or memory of loved ones for a gift of $5 or more. Due to COVID-19, the tree lighting event will not be held this year. However, the tree will be lit on Thursday, December 8th with a list of names for light purchases to be published in the Ripon Commonwealth Press. Donations forms are available at the hospital information desk and gift shop.
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