11/11/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
11 November 2022 News
FDL Man Sentenced For Dodge County Vehicle Chase
A 51-year-old Fond du Lac man was sentenced this week in Dodge County on a felony fleeing charge for a vehicle chase that occurred two years ago this week. At the time of the pursuit Patrick Gipson was wanted by Fond du Lac County authorities for a hit-and-run accident involving a child. Beaver Dam Police spotted him on Highway 151. They chased him toward Columbia County with speeds reaching nearly 90 miles an hour. A Columbia County Sheriff’s deputy deployed a tire deflation device that disabled Gipson’s vehicle. On September 30th Gipson was sentenced in the Fond du Lac County case to 15 years in prison and 7 years of extended supervision. The Dodge County sentence of 3 years in prison and 2 years of extended supervision runs concurrent to that.
Oshkosh Bridge Repairs Start Monday
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us repairs will begin Monday to install a new gear box and components on the south leaf span of the Oregon/Jackson Street Bridge in Oshkosh. The bridge has been closed since May due to damaged gear components. Installing new part in the gearbox and reinstalling the gearbox could take up to four days wrapping up on Thursday. The bridge will remain closed to vehicles and pedestrians during repairs. The estimated cost of the project is $136,000. The bridge closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic on May 25th after a bridge inspector discovered damaged gear teeth in the gearbox on the south leaf span during a routine inspection. A subsequent investigation revealed additional damage in the gearbox and required a new gear box.
Feyen Elected State Senate Assistant Majority Leader

State Senator Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac was unanimously elected Thursday by his Republican Senate colleagues to serve as Assistant Majority Leader of the State Senate for the 2023-2024 Session. Feyen says, “It is more important than ever that we act to strengthen our economy and help Wisconsin families and individuals across the state.” Feyen represents the 18th State Senate District, which includes parts of Winnebago, Fond du Lac, and Dodge counties. State Senator Devin LeMahieu will serve again as the State Senate Majority Leader. LeMahieu represents the 9th State Senate District.
Drug Take Back Success
State Attorney General Josh Kaul says 54,040 pounds of unwanted medications were collected during Drug Take Back Day in Wisconsin on October 29th. Kaul says, “Wisconsinites consistently step up for Drug Take Back, making sure tens of thousands of pounds of unused and unwanted medications are safely disposed of.” Statewide over 140 law enforcement agencies participated in Drug Take Back Day. Medications were also collected from permanent drug disposal boxes at law enforcement agencies. The Ripon Police Department turned over 111 pounds of medications for proper disposal. The drug drop box is open during Ripon City Hall hours Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
RSV Puts Young Children And The Elderly At Risk
A pediatrician with SSM Health Regional Clinic says they are seeing an increase in RSV or Respiratory Syncytial (SIN-sish-all) Virus in the community. Dr. Jeanne Lyke, who sees patients at Ripon Community Hospital, says some of the cases are severe and require hospitalization. The numbers they are seeing are higher than they typically see in October. She notes most children get it by the time they are 2 years old, but the pandemic may have altered that time frame and added to the numbers they are seeing now. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, sneezing, fever and loss of appetite. She recommends getting your child to a doctor right away if they have difficulty breathing or have a high fever. Dr. Lyke says RSV also puts the elderly at risk. The American Academy of Pediatrics, Healthy Children.org, and Kids Health.org all have great information about RSV on their websites.
RASD Superintendent Pleased With Passing Of School Referendum
Ripon Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock says they are pleased district voters passed Tuesday’s referendum. Voters were asked to allow the school district to exceed its revenue cap by $850,000 a year for six years. Fifty-nine percent of voters were in favor of that. Whitrock says probably the most important benefit of the referendum is they will be able to keep their class sizes reasonable, which will allow them to continue to close the learning gap younger students experienced during the pandemic. Preliminary results of voting on Tuesday’s referendum had 2,766 voting yes and 1,908 voting no. The Board of Canvass met yesterday morning to certify the results of the election.
Treehouse Central Fundraiser
Treehouse Central Wisconsin in Wautoma offers support for teens that need hope in their lives. Treehouse has been around for 40 years with over 60 sites nationwide. The chapter in Wautoma is the only one in Wisconsin. Brigette Henschel is the area director. She says they offer mentoring and conversation for teens in 7th through 12th grades. She says their goal is to teach teens that they are lovable, capable, and worthwhile. Some of that includes mission trips. They use two vans to pick up teens and bring them to their site. Henschel notes most of their teens live out in rural areas of Waushara County. One of their vans has over 300,000 miles on it. She says they are sorely in need of updating their transportation so they are trying to raise $20,000 in funds half of which they have already raised. Donations are tax deductible and can be made at the Threehouse Central Wisconsin.org website. You can also call 920-385-6683.
TreeHouse Central Wisconsin – A Non-Profit Helping Teens
Last Round For Ripon Leaf Collection
Ripon residents who have been procrastinating about raking leaves in their yard are asked to get it done this weekend. Public Works Director Mike Ehrenberg updated the Common Council this week on the progress of their leaf collecting. Ehrenberg told them they have completed their third round this week and next week is the final week for leaf pickup. He says to assure that your leaves are collected you should have them out on your street terrace by 7am Monday morning. He says the final pass through for leaf collection could be pretty quick and they could be finished before next Friday. Alderperson Howard Hansen also asked that residents make sure leaves don’t clog up gutter grates near them, which could prevent street flooding if there is a heavy rain.
Christmas In The Village In Ripon This Weekend

The holiday season kicks off in Downtown Ripon today and tomorrow with Christmas in the Village. Things start tonight with a visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus at The Village Green at the corner of Watson and Seward Street. Santa will arrive approximately at 6 pm aboard the Ripon Area Fire District ladder truck. He will light the decorations on the bandstand and greet those in attendance. Activities on Saturday will include a visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus (11 am to 1 pm) and a Live Reindeer Display at The Village Green (Noon to 4 pm). There will also be carriage rides through the historic district. All activities will take place outdoors, so people should dress accordingly.
Deadline Today To RSVP For Annual Holiday Gala
Today is the deadline to RSVP for the League of Women Voters of the Ripon Area Annual Holiday Gala. The event will be held next Tuesday at Congregational Church on Ransom Street in Ripon. It begins at 6 pm and will feature a raffle and meal. The cost of the meal, catered by J’s BBQ is $20. The public is welcome to attend. You can RSVP by calling 920-960-3397or by emailing the league (lwvriponarea@gmail.com). Raffle tickets are available at Dear Prudence at 210 Watson Street in Ripon. The featured speaker for the evening is Maria Douglas. She will speak on Implicit Bias. The League of Women Voters of the Ripon Area is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.
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