11/10/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
10 November 2022 News
US Senate Race Called In Favor Of Ron Johnson
The U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin was called by multiple news organizations in favor of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Wednesday. With 99 percent of the vote reported yesterday morning the federal lawmaker from Oshkosh had a 27,000 vote lead over Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes. Johnson held a news conference yesterday after the race was called saying, “We won this campaign, we won this race because I told the truth.” Barnes spoke to his supporters in Milwaukee yesterday after the race was called. He thanked them for their support and promised to continue fighting for people in Wisconsin.
Washington County Drug Task Enforcement Effort
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office, County Drug Task Force, Germantown Police, and the State Patrol partnered on an enforcement effort Monday that resulted in 51 traffic stops. Four of the stops resulted in arrests and recovery of cocaine, marijuana, and firearms. A fifth stop occurred on Interstate 41 northbound. During that stop a large bag of marijuana was observed and a Washington County Sheriff’s deputy seized the bag but the driver fled from the stop. The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office deployed tire deflation devices to induce the car to stop. Ultimately the Germantown Police Department used a technique to stop the fleeing vehicle. A search of the vehicle found white power and more than a pound of marijuana. Three of the passengers were wanted on warrants. The driver and all occupants of the vehicle were taken to the Washington County Jail.
Ripon City Budget Approved
By a 6 to 1 vote the Ripon Common Council last night approved the 2023 City Budget and Tax Levy. No one spoke during a public hearing on the budget. The tax levy will be $3.8 million, which works out to a tax rate of $8.90. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the Council they wanted to keep the tax rate below $9 which they accomplished. It is higher than the past year’s rate of $8.53, but he pointed out that the rate was at $8.90 just a couple years ago. Alderperson John Splitt voted against the budget. He had made a motion to remove the parks and recreation director position and use the money on parks equipment. Splitt felt it was a “kick in the stomach” to city employees that they were only getting a 3 percent increase in pay while the city was creating a new position. The motion was ruled out of order because a motion had already been made to approve the budget and tax levy.
Strong Voter Turnout In Ripon
The City of Ripon had a strong voter turnout for Tuesday’s General Election. City Clerk Naomi Miller informed the Common Council last night that of the 4,183 registered voters, 3,070 of them or 73 percent cast their votes. Alderperson Ellen Sorensen, who is also president of the League of Women Voters of the Ripon Area, said Fond du Lac County also had a good turnout. In fact 79 percent of registered voters in the county cast their ballots. Sorensen said Wisconsin led the nation in voter turnout Tuesday with nearly 64 percent of registered voters exercising their right to vote. Miller told the Council that Ripon College also had a strong turnout. She also thanked the volunteers who worked at the polls for the city.
Go Transit Route Change
Go Transit Route 10, the connection between Oshkosh GO Transit and Valley Transit in Neenah, will have a new origination point and final stop point in Neenah beginning next Monday. The new location will be at the Downtown Transit Center in front of the Neenah City Hall building on Walnut Street. The City of Neenah is moving its Downtown Transit Center to this new location. The route times and all other Route 10 stops will be unaffected.
FDL County Board Preview
Fond du Lac County Supervisors tonight will consider approving the 2023 County Budget and Tax Levy, and the 5-year capital improvement plan. The proposed levy is $50.8 million which works out to a tax rate of $5.20. With Amy Haase coming in as the County’s new Communications and Emergency Management Director on December 1st, the Board will also consider authorizing the reorganization of that department effective next Tuesday. Tonight’s Fond du Lac County Board meeting starts at 6 pm in the Legislative Chambers of the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Ripon Rotary Citrus Sale
Orders are being taken for the Ripon Rotary Club’s annual citrus sale. You can buy oranges, grapefruits or get a mixed box with oranges and grapefruits. Bob Amsden coordinates the sale for the club. The money raised from the sale goes toward the club’s charitable efforts which include local scholarship programs, and usually an international charitable project. Amsden says many people may not be aware but it was Rotary funds that paid for the pergolas in downtown Ripon’s Rotary Square. He notes this year they are also offering a smaller $20 gift box with a variety of fruit. Order forms for the sale will be printed in the November 17th Ripon Commonwealth Press and the November 23rd Ripon Express. You can also order online at the club’s website Ripon Rotary.com. The deadline for ordering is Wednesday, November 30th at 5 pm. Pick up for the fruit is Thursday, December 15th from 10 am to 4 pm at Homan Ford and Chrysler in Ripon. For information about the sale call 920-602-0580.
Father Wally Film
The Freeland Film Festival will bring a documentary about Father Wally Kasuboski to Ripon next month. The film titled “From Mass to the Mountain” will be shown on Friday, December 2nd at 6 pm at the Marcus Theater. Admission is free. Evelyn Galster of Freeland says after Father Wally passed in July they wanted to do something to honor his legacy and particularly the improvements he brought to eastern Panama since the later 1980s. Water projects were a big part of that. The film was shown at the Freeland Film Festival in Green Lake in September of 2019. The filmmakers and Father Wally were on hand for that. Galster says that documentary helped establish the film festival. Galster says a donation from an investor is a big reason the film will be shown free in Ripon, but donations taken that evening will go toward a mission Father Wally started. Galster says there will also be a virtual platform to see the movie which will be announced by Freeland in the coming weeks. Father Wally was from Ripon.
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