11/1/22 Theresa Valencia Running For 42nd State Assembly Seat
1 November 2022 News
For more than 20 years Theresa Valencia has been teaching skilled trades at Madison Area Technical College, now the Lodi mother of five is hoping to use her skills in the political arena. She is running as a Democrat for the 42nd State Assembly District seat. Valencia says most legislators seem out of touch and only interested in the power it brings them. As a journeyman tool & die maker and instructor she believes skilled trades have a niche in reviving the economy. She also feels that funds meant for public education shouldn’t be paying for private school vouchers. Valencia is also a proponent of accessible healthcare for everyone and feels Wisconsin should have taken the $1.6 billion expansion in Medicaid offered by the Federal Government. She also favors broadband expansion and doesn’t believe we should be able to outgun police officers. Vaencia is running against Republican incumbent Jon Plumer for the 42nd State Assembly seat.
To hear an interview with Theresa Valencia click here.
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