11/1/22 Peyton Hewitt Continues Healing
1 November 2022 News
The parents of a baby girl born with a complex congenital heart disease say she is continuing to improve following her heart surgery. Peyton Hewitt was taken home from a hospital in Madison last week. Posting on Facebook her family says she was feeding on her own and during an appointment with doctors yesterday they were informed as long as she continues to feed on her own a feeding tube would no longer be required. In addition, an Echocardiogram revealed she is healing nicely, and her stitches were removed. A photo of Peyton in a Halloween costume clutching a leaf shows a happy smiling baby girl. We first told you about Peyton at the end of July when a fundraiser was held in Montello to help the family with medical costs for the then 4-month-old baby girl. (Family photo)
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