11/1/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
1 November 2022 News
Fatal Accident In Washington County
Washington County Sheriff’s officials say a man from the greater West Bend area in his early sixties died after his truck went into a cornfield, struck an embankment, and then hit a tree early Sunday afternoon. Investigators say the truck was heading east on County Highway D approaching Glacier Drive when it veered off the roadway into a cornfield, continued through an adjacent soybean field, struck the road embankment for Glacier Drive going over the road into trees on the east side of the road. When the first deputy arrived the driver was unresponsive and not breathing. The deputy got the man out of the truck and began life saving measures. When rescuers arrived they continued those efforts but they were unsuccessful. The accident was reported just before 1 pm Sunday afternoon.
Fremont Man Convicted Of Ninth OWI
A 60-year-old Fremont man pleaded no contest yesterday to his ninth drunken driving offense. Allen Mande appeared in Outagamie County court via video conferencing from Fox Lake Correctional Institution. A second charge of operating while revoked was read into the record and dismissed. After crashing into a tree along Highway 96 in Outagamie County on February 11th Mande was one of two people that walked into a bar in Dale asking for help. Mande was identified as the driver. He left the bar before deputies arrived but a Wisconsin State Trooper found him nearby. The car was also found near the bar. Prosecutors will recommend the minimum sentence of three years in prison. Mande will be sentenced on December 21st. He is currently serving time on an unrelated substantial battery charge.
Public Hearing On FDL County Budget Tonight
The Fond du Lac County Board will hold a public hearing tonight in Fond du Lac for the proposed 2023 County Budget. The Board’s meeting is at 6 pm in the Legislative Chambers of the City-County Government Center. The public hearing will be held at 6:30 pm. Also during the meeting the board will consider the recommendation of an appointment from County Executive Sam Kaufman for the County Communications and Emergency Management Director position. Supervisors will also learn this year’s winners of the Natural Beauty Council Beautification Awards.
Budgets Being Worked On
As a member of the Berlin Common Council and Green Lake County Board of Supervisors Luke Dretske says 2023 budgets for both governmental bodies are taking up quite a bit of his time these days. He says at this point in time the budgets are the big focus for both. Dretske says he is taking the budgets seriously focusing in on every detail. Dretske wasn’t sure what the final mill rate will be for the City since that is still being determined, but it looks like the County’s mill rate will be down for 2023. He says that’s due to an increase in construction and property values. As for the City the Common Council was considering options to increase revenues to offset rising expenditures.
Inflation Is With Us
Congressman Glenn Grothman says it will be a while before we see the cost of groceries and materials slow. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says inflation is having an impact on businesses whether you’re a manufacturer dealing with metals or a bakery worried about the cost of eggs and butter. He says Democrats pushed through three bills totaling almost $4 trillion and is a big reason why we’ve been seeing inflation at rates that we haven’t seen in about 40 years. Grothman says the November mid-term elections could have an impact on just how long those high prices will last.
November Reminders
Now that it is November the month brings with it a couple of reminders. First Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday at 2 am. It’s time to fall back or set our clocks back an hour. Fire Departments also ask that residents check the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace them if needed. Secondly cities across Wisconsin will begin enforcement of their Winter Parking ordinances soon. In Ripon it starts on November 15th and in Berlin on November 30th. In Horicon it starts on December 1st.
Promotion For McArthur At Envision

Envision Greater Fond du Lac recently promoted Lisa McArthur to Senior Director of Business Attraction. In her new role, she will develop and direct various business attraction programs that focus on economic development efforts in various industry clusters. She will also manage all new and expanding industrial projects, and have other duties as well. Envision President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says, “Lisa is a strong and integral members of our team and we’re excited for her to take on this new role.”
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