10/7/22 FDL Man Charged with Attempted Murder
7 October 2022 News
Bond was set at $1 million cash Thursday for a 21-year-old Fond du Lac man charged with attempted first degree intentional homicide for a stabbing outside the Press Box Tavern in Fond du Lac. Vickendrika Jones is accused of stabbing a man during an altercation outside of the bar early the morning of August 6th. According to the criminal complaint the victim hadn’t realized he had been stabbed until he got into his girlfriend’s car and she took him to St. Agnes Hospital. The victim had been stabbed three times with a knife in the chest, just above the waist, and in the upper right leg. A surgeon who worked on the victim told investigators the victim had three holes in his smaller intestine and without surgery would have died. A witness allegedly saw where Jones disposed of the blood-stained clothing he was wearing during the stabbing and police were able to recover the clothing. No witnesses were able to confirm Jones version of the event s for police. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 14th. (Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Jail photo)
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