10/31/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
31 October 2022 News
COVID Activity Picking Up In FDL County
COVID 19 activity is starting to pick up in Fond du Lac County again. The County Health Department learned Thursday the County is experiencing a Medium Community Level of COVID-19. During that level residents should talk to their healthcare provider about whether they need to wear a mask and take other precautions, stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, and get tested if they have symptoms. If you’re planning to attend any events in the upcoming days, it’s a good idea to test before you go. Dodge County is also at a Medium Level. Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago Counties still have Low Community levels of COVID-19.
Berlin Considering Wheel Tax
The City of Berlin is considering a wheel tax to raise additional revenue and help it balance its budget. Alderperson Luke Dretske says he’s not in favor of that proposal, which is one of three proposed by the City Administrator. The other two were staging a referendum or making city residents pay the entire fire protection fee instead of the City footing half of that cost. Dretske says at nearly $20 per vehicle a wheel tax would generate nearly $102,000. He fears once it is implemented it will become a permanent fee for vehicle owners. The money would be applied to the Department of Public Works, which would allow the city to shift some money around for other expenses. Dretske says he’s not if favor of a referendum either. He feels the ultimate answer is to get serious about economic development by lifting a restrictive covenant in the North Industrial Park. He feels growth in economic development will create both more tax base and added revenue.
Relieving Pain At The Pump Costly
Congressman Glenn Grothman says President Joe Biden’s dipping into our oil reserves to create more supply and cut gas prices was an example of short-term recklessness. Grothman says it took time to build up those reserves in case there was a real emergency. He says we are approaching a point where over half of our oil reserves have been depleted. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says the timing is a little suspect with mid-term elections just over a week away. Grothman says relieving the pain at the pump is only temporary and if want to build up those reserves it is going to cost us much more than it originally did to stock those reserves.
A Classy Donation

The Oshkosh High School Class of 1962 recently chose to pay it forward to benefit current students in the Oshkosh Area School District. Members of the alumni class gathered to present a $350 donation to the District’s Brewing Futures Mobile Café. The Class of 1962 recently celebrated their 60th class reunion with a reception at South Park in Oshkosh. As reunion organizers considered what to do with the remaining funds that were collected to cover the cost of their event their focus was on doing something good for current Wildcats and Spartans. The Brewing Futures Mobile CAFÉ or Coaching Ability for Employment is a customized and fully accessible food truck focused on hands-on learning for students of all abilities. The Class of 1962 donation will support 35 hours of work and training for students.
Fondy Idol On Friday
The Arc Fond du Lac will host their annual Fondy Idol on Friday at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Fond du Lac. It will be in the Prairie Theater from 6 to 8 pm. The year’s event-The Dream Role Album-will give clients the chance to sing their favorite songs, such as Eye of the Tiger, Dancing Queen, Hound Dog, I Want it That Way and more. In addition to individual numbers, clients will engage in large group numbers. The event is done in partnership with Fond du Lac Community Theatre. Tickets for the event are $8 and are available online or at the door the night of the event. All proceeds are used to provide programming and experiences for person with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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