10/25/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
25 October 2022 News
Ripon Suspending The Use Of Fluoride In Its Drinking Water
The Ripon Common Council Monday night voted 7 to 1 suspend the use of fluoride to treat its drinking water. The DNR is requiring the City to separate fluoride and chlorine use at three of its well sites because of the danger accidental spills could pose for those working around the wells. The City has higher than average natural levels of fluoride in its drinking water but Wisconsin’s Chief Dental Officer Russ Dunkel told the Council it is not enough for dental benefits. It would have cost the City $300,000 or more to put on additions for chemical storage lockers and City officials aren’t sure that would get the DNR’s approval. The City is looking at adding two wells to replace some of its existing wells over the next 10 years when it could look once again at the use of fluoride. The Council also approved a Professional Services Agreement with Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. for an investigation for future wells 10 and 11 and for a pilot well for Well 10 for a sum of $41,300. There will be additional costs to actually drill the well.
Waupaca County DA Resigning
Governor Tony Evers says Waupaca County District Attorney Veronica Isherwood is resigning effective December 17th. The Governor will appoint a new district attorney with that person serving the remainder of Isherwood’s term which ends in January of 2025. The Governor’s Office will be taking applications for the position through Friday, November 11th at 5 pm. Isherwood and Waupaca County Sheriff Timothy Wilz have been involved in a dispute over Isherwood’s contention that the Sheriff’s Office’s altering of reports could impact the outcome of court cases. Wilz claims reports were “corrected” but it did not affect them. A special prosecutor is reviewing the Sheriff’s Office.
Three Motorcycle Crashes In Less Than 90 Minutes
Three men were injured in three separate motorcycle accidents in less than 90 minutes in Washington County Sunday night. All three were taken to Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa. Two of them a 35-year-old West Bend man and a 55-year-old Germantown man were not wearing helmets. The third a 47-year-old West Bend man who failed to negotiate a curve was wearing a helmet. The 35-year-old West Bend man put his bike in a ditch and was arrested for operating while under the influence of an intoxicant. The 55-year-old Germantown man crashed in a roundabout. CPR was required to save his life. Weather and road conditions do not appear to be factors in the crashes.
Waupun Vehicle And Garage Fire
Waupun police and firefighters responded to a vehicle fire on West Franklin Street shortly after 11 Sunday morning. Police say the fire spread to an adjacent garage causing significant damage to both the vehicle and the garage. Other vehicles and another building were damaged due to the heat from the fire. No injuries were reported.
Early Voting Starts Today
State Senator Joan Ballweg says although the November 8th election is not a Presidential election it is important people cast their ballots. The mid-term elections will decide Congressional and U.S. Senate seats, Governor and state offices, county offices and referendums. In-person absentee voting begins today. The state lawmaker from Markesan says bigger cities and municipalities will be open for that voting during office hours, but if you live in a smaller municipality you may have to set up an appointment. She reminds people living in Ripon and the Town of Ripon that in January they will be part of the 42nd State Assembly District which will affect who they will be voting for in November. Currently they are represented by State Representative Alex Dallman who represents the 41st State Assembly District. The deadline for In-person absentee voting is November 6th.
Election Integrity
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says everything is being done to make sure the integrity of the election process on November 8th isn’t questioned. The federal lawmaker from Oshkosh says the Republican Party has nominated over 5,000 election inspectors and nearly 2,000 poll watchers. He says Democrats likely have similar numbers to monitor voting. He says in addition they will be noting any absentee ballot challenges at the polls. Johnson has launched a website where people can report instances that they feel may be inconsistent with state laws. Campaign attorneys will review those submissions to determine the next steps. You can also text “SECURE” to 85541.
Election Integrity Incident Report (ronjohnsonforsenate.com)
Ripon Senior Center Donation
Officials of the City of Ripon got a very generous donation toward the new Senior Center that is being built. Three representatives of the Ripon Senior Center Association last night presented them a check for $26,500. Association Past President Anette Klein said the money was raised through donations and fundraisers. It will help pay for appliances and a hearing loop that is being installed. The Grace and Lloyd Mitchell Senior Activity Center and Trailhead Project in Murray Park is nearing completion.
Narcissism And War
Over the years U.S. Presidents have been ranked for a variety of reasons but Ripon College Assistant Professor of Politic Science John Harden was involved in an interesting study that ranked them according to their level of narcissism. The study covered U.S. Presidents from 1897 to 2009 so it did not include Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Harden says he was particularly interested in how that narcissism came into play with presidents who served during wartime. LBJ who topped the list was of course in office during the Vietnam War, but Teddy Roosevelt who came in second was not. Harden says Roosevelt actually said in private he hoped we would go to war. Harden says on the other hand both Presidents Truman and Eisenhower were presidents during the Korean War, but both wanted to get out of the war without losing face. Harden says presidents with a greater degree of narcissism were more likely to find ways to prolong a war. Harden completed part of his research while he was with Ohio State University.
Oshkosh School Naming Survey

Oshkosh Area School District residents are invited to submit their ideas for what to name Oshkosh’s new north side elementary school by taking an online survey. The survey closes at 4 pm on Monday, November 7th. Students, parents, community members and District staff are all invited to participate in the survey, which is designed to provide the school board with input about possible names for the new school. All input gathered will be advisory. The District’s Facilities and Finance Committee will take all of the naming suggestions and create a list of finalists. A second survey will launch in December asking people to pick their favorite among the finalists. The results will be provided to the school board to make a final selection. Once the new elementary school is named, the District will survey future students, families, and staff to select the school’s mascot and colors.
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